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Wednesday 15 May 2024

Motion Is Lotion - Why Moving Your Body Is So Important

It's always nice to get-together with friends over a cuppa, and you never know where the conversation might lead! For instance just recently a friend was talking about 'Motion Is Lotion' she was having some therapy to help with an injury and her therapist had used these words. It got me thinking and this post is where my thoughts and internet research lead to. I hope you find it an interesting read, and don't forget to please share your thoughts in the comments section.

"Motion Is Lotion – Why Moving Your Body Is So Important

Motion Is Lotion, or another term would be, movement is medicine. This article will explain all the benefits that simply moving your body can do and why it’s crucial to your life.

Musculoskeletal Benefits

The reason we use these terms is that it is the most natural way for the body to heal itself. When we talk about movement is medicine or motion is lotion, a lot of people think, “Oh, exercise, yeah, we’re working our muscles.” but the benefits of exercise go far beyond the musculoskeletal system. 
  • Aid joint lubrication and nourishment
  • Ease your joint pain and stiffness
  • Improve flexibility & mobility
  • Build muscular strength
  • Improve your balance
  • Help you sleep better
  • Improve posture
  • Improve or maintain the density of your bones
  • Improve overall health and fitness

Mental Health Benefits

The second benefit of moving your body is overall mental health. It releases positive hormones throughout the body from the brain, and you are going to see a positive emotional response to exercise from the mental health aspect.
  • Lower stress levels
  • Improve your mood
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Improve cognitive function
  • Better endurance
  • Increased interest in sex
  • Increase energy and motivation

Gastrointestinal Benefits

Next, from the gastrointestinal aspect, we can improve gastric motility. Movement can improve the ability to digest food. It can see decreased amounts of inflammation in blood markers and biochemical markers such as that.
  • Improve food digestion
  • Decreased inflammation in blood markets
  • More diverse gut microbiota

Cardiovascular Benefits

Finally, we have cardiovascular benefits, between the heart and the lungs. All of these systems combine, even from the endocrine system in terms of hormones and hormonal imbalances. Exercise improves these.
  • Increase exercise tolerance
  • Reduction of body weight
  • Reduction in blood pressure
  • Reduction in bad cholesterol
  • Increase in insulin sensitivity

Movement Is Medicine

It’s the most natural medication or the most natural prescription you can get from any doctor.

Making sure that you are moving often, moving well, and making sure that you are getting the proper amount of activity, you’ll see benefits not only to your musculoskeletal system but to the cognitive system, heart, lungs, endocrine, gastrointestinal, you name it!

Movement is medicine, and it’s going to improve all of your systems.

It is highly recommended to consult with a doctor or an expert if you are concerned about exercising or experiencing any abnormal pain."

Above words taken from here
Image from google

Related Post
'Exercise for Better Health' - read it here

I think any movement/exercise is important. Of course, how you choose to do this is a personal choice and our age and any health concerns must always be taken into account. Just remember, any motion/movement is good 😊

Please be aware that articles within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your Doctor/local health care provider.

All the best Jan


Linda said...

I have read about this, and I truly believe any motion is beneficial even if we cannot make big motions to begin with. Good post.

NanaDiana said...

I think staying active is very important-especially as we age. I walk at least 3 miles every day and I feel so good afterwards.....and so does my dog, Scruffy! xo Diana

Rose said...

I do believe any motion is good...when I go to Walmart, I never park close. Or anywhere else for that matter, unless it is to get Roger inside. I feel like any extra steps that way is good for me. But I need to do more.

Elephant's Child said...

I go to weekly physiotherapy and undertake a guided exercise program to improve my balance and flexibility. When asked why I continue I told them 'I move so I can'.

DVArtist said...

Yes, there are so many benefits to moving, no matter what is. My Nan lived to be 104. She told everyone it is all about the moving. Great post.

Tom said...

...I wish that I had greece fittings in my joints.

J.P. Alexander said...

Siempre es bueno hacer ejercicio. Te mando un beso.

Angie's Recipes said...

Regular physical activities are definitely beneficial for our health.

Anonymous said...

Motion is so important -Christine

Katerinas Blog said...

Very interesting post, it urges us to stand up.
Thanks for the useful information!!

Jules said...

Yes, to all of this. Xx

Teresa said...

Me ha encantado tu reportaje de hoy. Besos.

Margaret D said...

Good read, and keep moving..

jabblog said...

Yes, movement is good:-)

Valerie-Jael said...

Movement is always good and beneficial. I can't walk so much these days, but I walk for an hour each day, albeit slowly, and it does me good! Hugs!

Donna said...

At 72, I'm still pushing myself to Move!
Move it or lose it!

Caroline said...

Nice article of moving. Have a nice day !

My name is Erika. said...

This is such a great post. Moving feels good to me. I love that it does More too. Hope you're having a good week.

CJ Kennedy said...

Excellent post

Pam said...

I know and I need to move motion usually happens between the bed to the couch! lol.....I do move more than that, but not much!

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

I take as much exercise as I can nowadays. We all know it is so good for us, even small amounts add up. Thanks very much for all the info about the benefits

Divers and Sundry said...

Yes, yes, yes! I need to _do_ it!

This N That said...

Gets more difficult as we get older. I take my cat for walks and a carriage just to keep it moving. She loves it. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Debbie said...

this is some really GREAT information...i don't move enough!!

HappyK said...

You don't have to convince me. My daily walk does wonders for me!! :)

John's Island said...

Hi Jan, This is just an excellent post. As I read through I realized that my life experience confirms many of these benefits and I’m in my mid-70s. 😊 For me, the movement, most of it anyway, has been walking daily about 2 miles. I like what you said so much that I did a screen shot and saved it to one of my files for healthy living tips. Thanks, as always, for sharing. I hope you and Eddie are starting to enjoy some pleasant spring weather. It is starting to happen in Seattle. Just a couple of days ago the TV weather person said we had our first 80 degree day since last September. I’m sure a lot of people who enjoy warmer weather were happy. Best regards to you two and take good care. John said...

Walking and swimming... two excellent exercises.
Love both.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That’s why birders are almost universally fit people - mentally as well as physically.,

Barwitzki said...

Yes, I went to the gym yesterday afternoon and now I'm going to the forest...

Mrs.B said...

Totally agree with this post, I try and get out for a walk most days, it does make me feel better.
Avril x

Conniecrafter said...

Just recently my knee has gotten worse as far as pain and my feet are feeling painful too, it makes it hard for me to get good exercise but I still try to move each day and work through the pain, sometimes it makes it feel better and other times I am in more pain but I know it is keeping me healthier either way.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Definitely good to exercise as much as you can!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Thank you for this great reminder about the benefits of keeping moving, however small.