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Sunday 2 March 2014

DCUK: And verily Troll shall speak unto Troll

Lets not speak ill of Kman, laying there on his(sorry) her  hospital bed. Try to imagine the difficulty of a newly diagnosed diabetic reading the crap (discussion) between Karen  and Ken (who'd have thought it!) and lets say Ash Diamond and Douglas Isle of Man (Low Carb and Low Fat: who after several years of 800 -1200 calories per day is still a fat ex-copper.



Anonymous said...

Add Sally and James to the list amongst others, it would be a regular little comedy if it wasn't so dangerous.
You gotta larf....

Anonymous said...

One wonders how many more cast members will join this soap opera

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Bob67, he is shaping up nicely as a troll.

Lowcarb team member said...

Nah Bob is one of the good guys, I going fishing with his brother.
