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Sunday 16 March 2014

DCUK I can remember when it was a diabetes forum !

Hi folks, one of the grim outcomes aimed at us low carbers by the antis is cognitive disorder, evidently unless we are carbed to the gills our brains will turn to mush. Quite ironic when excess sugar and starch is now being talked of in the same breath as Alzheimer's. Scurvy was another grim condition us low carbers were lined up for, despite most of us eating far more vegetables (non starchy) since adopting the low carb lifestyle. Anyway, my memory is as good as it's ever been, and it takes me back to when the flog was a shining beacon of sound information. Good information is still posted, but takes longer to find these days. 

These days the flog has become a sort of cross between an elephants graveyard and the monkey house at the London Zoo. More akin to a respite home for the terminally ill to a dead poets society. People asking about the value of old cars to anyone know of other diabetes forums. The list of mindless posts goes ever upwards on a daily basis.

After reading the touchett posts yesterday and posting the Pseuds Corner post, the writer of said posts issued and 'Apologia' on the flog. Evidently the writer now realises most of the members are too thick to understand the poetic, and will in future revert to more basic prose.

So, the flog has gone downhill fast, so bad has it become, even Sid and Phoenix rarely show up these days. The Cherub and Nobhead flit about posting a line here and a like there, but even the old clique realise the place has gone to palookaville. The flog is controlled by the lowest common denominator, and believe me that is very low indeed. One thing cannot be denied, as a place of entertainment the forum has no equals, it's a laugh fest and one of the first places I head to in the morning. One thing is for sure, while the forum continues, there will never be a dull moment. What the average newly diagnosed diabetic must think when they join can only be surmised, but they must wonder, are most diabetics out to lunch.




Anonymous said...

And the majority of members have got the message that your ilk are only there to flog the low carb message and not support others.
They are so busy liking each other's posts that they don't have time to help anyone unless they need converting to LC.

Anonymous said...

How does ETYM compare, is that somewhere worth visiting?

Lowcarb team member said...

Low carb is the only way to control diabetes for most FACT ! 99% of the good news and success stories involve low carb FACT !

I apreciate some people are carb addicted and are usually the people talking about their complications and poor BG control.

Ya can't win 'em all.


Lowcarb team member said...

"How does ETYM compare, is that somewhere worth visiting?"

The ETYM forum is a dead duck, ten posts yesterday. It is about as much use as rubber beak on a woodpecker.


Anonymous said...

DCUK is now the equivalent of Facebook. Anything and everything goes.

Some people use it for puzzles and games, some for recipes, some to meet others. There is very little in depth discussion about diabetes other than people trying to outdo each other with scientific studies that have been cherry picked to support their stance on management. People will openly say that they are not interested in studies.

It's a social site now. Probably what management want and call progress.

Lowcarb team member said...

I agree with much you write, the place has become a sort of Barry Williams show. A cheap reality TV show. A place for people with nothing better to do, a sort of youth club for the disenfranchised and one foot in the grave.

Having said that, it's one hell of a laugh. The lunacy gives me something to comment on when betus news is thin on the ground, and even our magnificent blog needs some lunacy.


Anonymous said...

Well at least they have appointed a Mod that can oversee the word games. She has participated in little else.

You couldn't make it up.

Anonymous said...

The word game Mod is janewatt, great choice.
She will keep the word games crowd in line.

Anonymous said...

"The word game Mod is janewatt, great choice.
She will keep the word games crowd in line"

and complain vociferously about use of words such as twat (especially on International Womens Day) or bollocks. Watch out Andy12345, she's got you in her sight.

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
"The word game Mod is janewatt, great choice.
She will keep the word games crowd in line"

and complain vociferously about use of words such as twat (especially on International Womens Day) or bollocks. Watch out Andy12345, she's got you in her sight.

The use of the word bollocks has now been banned, in future only senior mods can talk a load of bollocks.


Anonymous said...

Here is a word game for you. Which mod's name is an anagram of jane twat?

Lowcarb team member said...

Err...........Mo ? OK I give up.


Mo said...

Naughty Vader ! I try to help you and your mission as well ! Have another look at that anagram, you may have made a little mistake :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Mo

I reckon being a keeper at the Monkey House must be one tough gig. Jeez those carboholic junkie monkeys were playing up last night, too many bananas I reckon.

Good luck mate, you are gonna need it.


Anonymous said...

Maybe people are realising there is more to life than spending your time reading the same over and over - boring! You need to leave it , move on Eddie.