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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Douglas and His Alter Ego. Same Forum. A Different Hymn Sheet

For those reading Douglas's posts regarding diets on the forum of flog it may be of interest to read the following from:

“After that I was given lots of information about diet and saw a Dietician. Given eating plans and went away thinking, this isn’t so bad, I can eat most of the things I was already eating just in smaller portions and eating Brown Rice, Pasta and Bread. Great.
I carried on with that diet for several years and my weight slowly but surely rose till I was nearly 18.5 stone. During this time I got increasingly more ill. High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, you name it I think I had it. My life went downhill, I couldn’t exercise, I had joint problems, and my eyesight got progressively worse. I just thought that whatever time I had left was going to be a bonus. I thought about 6 – 7 yrs !

I carried on like that until 2004. Then I started getting Angina, this was on top of my ever bulging waistline and fat face. After a holiday in France that year I thought I was going to die, could only walk a few yards or so. I ended up having to have a triple bypass heart operation. Felt a million dollars when I came out of Hospital.

Then they gave me the same 'healthy' diet. So off I went and continued in the same way. BP and Cholesterol soared, HbA1c rocketed and I got progressively worse and weight that I had started to lose after the operation came back again. I reached 19.5 stone. I was huge and felt awful about myself. Clothes didn’t fit, walking was again an effort and all the good work the Surgeon’s had done was being rapidly undone. I was on a bucket of medications as well.

Then in January this year I found this website I trawled the Forum and took on board the advice regarding diet for a Diabetic. I could see that the advice I had previously had was just plain wrong for me. It had made my condition much worse. ……. That NHS 'healthy' diet for me was totally wrong. It may well be Ok for others but I cannot understand why alternative diets are not thought worthy of a mention ? I for one would have benefited”.

“Since January of this year I made a conscious decision to reduce my carbohydrate intake drastically down to about 60g carbs per day. This was taken after reading everything I could lay my hands on about carbohydrates and Blood glucose levels. I also read all I could on the website and information posted by many of the members who are now jetting between one place and another.

Back in 2001 I was told after an eyesight test that I needed glasses for driving as part of my job. So I went off to my local Optician who again tested me and confirmed what I had been told. A prescription was issued and I eventually got myself some glasses.

Since that time after following the 'healthy diet' advice pushed by the NHS etc my eyesight got steadily worse and worse, resulting in new glasses virtually every year. Then something strange happened. I found after 3 months on the reduced carbs my eyesight appeared to have improved quite dramatically ? I found that while driving I no longer needed the glasses, in fact if I put them on my vision was worse ! I thought that this meant I was going to end up with more glasses ?

So, my Retinal Screening and Annual Eyesight Test was due in July so I went along last week to have it all done. I told the Optician about my eyesight and he thought I was mistaken. He checked everything out and we examined the pics of my eyeballs and he stated that there was no problems at all there. Good news.

Then we came to the result of my eye test. He looked at the results and he checked back through all my results since 2001 and said he couldn't understand it ? My eyesight was almost perfect. My eyes were in better condition now than they were before my eye tests in 2001. He wanted to know what had changed ? So I told him how I had reduced the carbs in my diet and reduced daily Bg levels by half to around 5-6 daily. He seemed quite bemused by this. He told me I didn't need glasses any more for driving - the only downside is that my close vision is not as good so I now need to sometimes wear reading glasses for the small print. I can live with that.

So for those who think reducing your carbs is not a good idea ? Here is proof if needed of another benefit to those of us who do”. [cugila, Dec 10, 2009]

Eddie has already posted on Noblehead's attempt at deception by the editing of of his own posts:

So when you read Douglas or Noblehead remember there once was different hymnsheet. 



Anonymous said...

Poor kenny99, not sure why he sticks around so much, he should be working on his own forum more

Lowcarb team member said...

Kenny's forum was on life support the first day, and died a long time ago. Notice how his friends the low carb anti clique aka the clan done nothing to help him in getting it going.

But of course they are not interested in helping people.


Anonymous said...

Kenny's forum the Marie Celeste of the diabetic fora