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Monday 3 March 2014

Headache - Have some spinach !

Monday morning already, where did the weekend go? Were you leaping out of bed this morning full of the joys of Spring ….or perhaps you woke with a headache. Headaches can be a pain - sorry no pun intended. Migraines are the worse and can be quite debilitating. However, if you do suffer with headaches I saw this article recently and thought it may be helpful to pass on the tips.

I thought it interesting that spinach featured as a good food to eat to assist in stopping headaches. You will notice potato or bananas are also highlighted. However, if you are a diabetic or following a LCHF lifestyle you may wish to avoid these, as the carbohydrate level could spike blood sugar numbers. Why not look at alternatives for example avocado and mushrooms.

There’s a lot of information on the interweb, some better than others, so it's up to each of us to read and digest what interest's us. However, I have to agree with the original article, "there's no such thing as a good time for headaches and as easy as it is to pop a painkiller, it is inevitable to go through some of the searing pain until they kick in. Did you know that some simple diet changes could soothe, and even prevent headaches? HuffPost Health Living have highlighted six headache-friendly foods - and they're probably already on your shopping list.” Link to article here.

All the best Jan

Post edit. Great food idea sent in by Dillinger

Last night we had spinach and bacon salad; a regular in our house and really good stuff.

Here's how you make it for 2 people;

2 bags of baby spinach leaves
2 handfuls of chopped bacon (fried)
1 pack of feta cheese (about 100-200 grams)
I handful of peas (boiled)
Dressing made of lemon juice and olive oil (1 tbsp juice; 3 tbsp oil) with a tsp of French mustard plus salt and pepper.

Mix it all together with your hands. Eat with dry white wine.

Super food, super quick, super nice. Carb content? Hardly anything really...

You can also use goats cheese which gives it a slightly less sharp taste.




Anonymous said...

Last night we had spinach and bacon salad; a regular in our house and really good stuff.

Here's how you make it for 2 people;

2 bags of baby spinach leaves
2 handfuls of chopped bacon (fried)
1 pack of feta cheese (about 100-200 grams)
I handful of peas (boiled)
Dressing made of lemon juice and olive oil (1 tbsp juice; 3 tbsp oil) with a tsp of French mustard plus salt and pepper.

Mix it all together with your hands. Eat with dry white wine.

Super food, super quick, super nice. Carb content? Hardly anything really...

You can also use goats cheese which gives it a slightly less sharp taste.



Lisa said...

Everything tastes good with bacon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that idea 'Dillinger' sounds a good easy recipe too.


Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks to all for stopping by and commenting.

Special thanks to Dillinger for the great recipe idea ....nice one.

All the best Jan