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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Unilever dumping Junk Food Brands ! is the gig up ?

After admitting Margarine was now dead in the water and up for sale, Unilever has flogged off the grim Peperami meat snacks (great for fishing bait) Wish-Bone salad dressings and Skippy peanut butter. Next up for sale is the Ragu Sauce brand.

Unilever did not become one of the worlds largest companies because they are mugs, the writing is on the wall for junk food and they know it. Not a day goes by without sugar and highly processed junk food getting a kicking. Unilever are not going down without a fight, only a week or so ago, they all but took over the Guardian newspaper as reported here. Stand by for a massive deluge of damage limitation and PR campaigns any time soon.

The trouble is, the more they spend and the more devious junk food and big pharma becomes, the more the thinking public disbelieves them. OK most of the public don't think, but even the sheeple are beginning to wake up. All over the world healthcare budgets are being stretched to breaking point and beyond, and junk food and big pharma have been the biggest culprits.

It took decades for big tobacco to be outed and under the cosh, with the internet and social media we have today, the downfall of junk food and big pharma will take far less time. The obesity epidemic is far more noticeable than the damage caused by cigarettes, and is across all age groups, races and demographics. Governments all over the world will have to act big time soon, the cost of the carnage will bankrupt them if they don't. 


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