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Wednesday 5 March 2014

Zoe Harcombe puts the boot in !

Say what you like about Zoe Harcombe but she is one very bright Woman. Some may have seen today's headlines "Animal protein as bad as smoking" if you believe that, you are in need of psychiatric counselling, talking about a high protein diet is a one way ticket to the knackers yard. Check out Zoe's take on it here.

BTW I loved this comment from Tom Welsh.

"Dr Longo, has declared interests in (actually, he’s the founder of) L-Nutra – a company that makes ProLon™ – an entirely plant based meal replacement product.”
As far as I'm concerned I forgot about the whole farrago of nonsense as soon as I read those words. Pathetically transparent"
The way I see it is this, when someone gives the foods we evolved from and have eaten for millions of years, and we ate long before heart disease, type two diabetes and obesity became epidemics, a kicking, I smell one big rat, and I have a very keen sense of smell.

Please note. If you have defective kidney's or a kidney disease or condition,  a high protein diet should be avoided. Discuss with your Doctor appropriate protein levels.



Unknown said...

Thanks for the link to Zoe's article - she sure has got a way with words. There were some real zingers in the article, but I think my favourite was: "Protein is in virtually every food provided by nature... Why would nature put protein in everything if it were out to get us?"

Anonymous said...

Hi Indy agree "she sure has got a way with words."

Lighthouse keeper said...

"Protein is in virtually every food provided by nature... Why would nature put protein in every thing if it were out to get us?"
Replace the word protein with carbohydrate and then check yourselves out for confirmation bias.