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Monday 19 August 2019

Top ten low-carb vegetables

"Here are ten great low-carb vegetables, tasty and rich in nutrients but with very few carbs. Sorted by how popular and useful they are in low-carb cooking.

All numbers are net carbs per 100 grams (3½ ounces).

Cauliflower – 3 g.
Perhaps the most classic and iconic of all low-carb vegetables. The base of cauliflower rice and cauliflower mash. 

Cabbage – 3 g.
Another great low-carb vegetable. Who doesn’t love butter-fried green cabbage or the simply amazing Asian cabbage stir-fry?

Avocado – 2 g.
Not just low carb, but also full of nutritious fat. Technically a fruit, but most people likely think of it as a vegetable. Avocado can be eaten in all kinds of ways, including on its own, in salads, or it can be used to make guacamole. 

Broccoli – 4 g
As well as low carb, it's brimming with good nutrients. Just fry it in butter or add some cheese for great-tasting side dishes. 

Zucchini/Courgette – 3 g. 
Try zucchini (courgette) fries or chips. Zucchini/Courgette can also be used to make low-carb pasta...yummy! 

Spinach – 1 g.
An extremely low-carb vegetable, spinach is full of vitamins and minerals and can be used many ways. It pairs beautifully with eggs, such as in a frittata.

Asparagus – 2 g.
Revered as both a food and medicine – and aphrodisiac – by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans up to medieval times, asparagus is one of the world’s oldest cultivated vegetables. Nutritious and delicious!  Try it wrapped with prosciutto and grilled.

Kale – 3 g. 
Hardier than spinach, less watery, but just as nutrient-rich, kale can stand up to mincing, sautéing, baking, and much more.

Green beans – 4 g. 
Frenched, diced and tossed in a salad, fricasseed and more, green beans taste great especially with added fats like butter, an olive-oil vinaigrette, or bacon.

Brussels sprouts – 5 g.
Nutty, filling and nutritious, they are especially good roasted with olive oil and garlic, or with bacon... or steam and serve with a cheese cream sauce." 

Low-carb vegetables – read more about the best and the worst here
Eddie and I enjoy all of these, do you like all of them, have you a favourite?

All the best Jan


CJ Kennedy said...

I never thought green veggies, other than peas, had carbs. Interesting.

Jules said...

All my favourites as I prefer vegetables to fruit. I've just been out in the garden checking on our brocolli and cauliflowers. X

Tom said...

...I enjoy many of them.

RO said...

I'm going to print this out and post on my fridge, because I'm always guessing when it comes to veggies. Thanks so much! RO

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This vegetarian loves everyone of these. So glad you shared this post, Jan.

Natalia said...

I love avocado☺

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Love em all

Glad the brusselsprouts were just a handy photo...hate those suckers.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente este top 10 e aproveito para desejar uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

JFM said...

love most of them in one form or another.
Have a wonderful day~

carol l mckenna said...

Oooh ~ yummy veggies ~ great foodie photo and post ~

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

DMS said...

I have never realized all these veggies had carbs. Thanks for the information!

Sally said...

I've never tried Kale, but the rest I LOVE! In fact, I had spinach yesterday, and will again today. Did you mention spaghetti squash; another that I like. :)


Christine said...

wonderful selection!

Debbie said...

i LOVE them all, except kale. i am new to loving brussel sprouts, thanks to my meal service!!!

sandy said...

Spinach and brussel sprouts my favorites. I eat lots of spinach.

Valerie-Jael said...

I love them all! Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, that is the only good thing about the dark half of the year, Brussels Sprouts and Kale!!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love living down the road from farms! Lots of veggies around here!

Sue said...

Oh I love my vegetables, but sprouts are definitely only for Christmas lol xx

Elephant's Child said...

I like and eat them all. Except Brussel Sprouts. My mother always cooked them to a nasty grey mess and I cannot (decades later) face them.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's easier to say which one we don't like...cauliflower! lol We LOVE all the rest and have one of these every night with dinner. Thanks for the list!

DUTA said...

My favorites: low carb - lettuce; more carbs: peppers of all colors.

Sandi said...

All so yummy!

Lorrie said...

I love vegetables!

kathyinozarks said...

Great list and we eat all of these-thanks

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I don't eat much cabbage, but all the other vegetables are in my rotation of vegetables to eat each week.

Maria said...

Love all those veggies! I was brought up in an Italian Aussie family and we ate last to of homegrown veggies cooked Italian style. Thank you for visiting my blog Jan.

HappyK said...

Nice to know. Thanks

My name is Erika. said...

And they re all so yummy!

William Kendall said...

I particularly like cauliflower.

Debby Ray said...

I love these healthy veggies! I just wish I would have when I was a younger person. Thank you so much for your very kind comment on my last post. I so appreciate your prayers, Jan. Blessings to you!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

We love all of these veggies and have most of them in my refrigerator. Low carb eating has made me feel so much better!

Susan Kane said...

I love all of these. My husband, eh, not so much.

dellgirl said...

I guess I'm #1 in the Top 10 list. I LOVE every single one of these delicious veggies, eat them every chance I get. I had no idea they were so healthy for us. That's good to know.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I have always loved vegetables and I think this makes it easier for me to follow a low carb way of eating. And I love eggs, meat, cheese and berries. I'm just lucky that way.

Evi Erlinda said...

I like all of them :)

Jutta.K. said...

Ich liebe und esse sie alle!
Es gibt nichts besseres :-)
Liebe Grüße

R's Rue said...

I love cauliflower

Rose said...

I do love most of them... said...

I like all these except courgette. Having said that I had a courgette fritter in a restaurant and it was delicious, but it did't taste of courgette.

Angie said...

Jan - I love them all, but I am partial to brussels sprouts and asparagus!

Sami said...

Love the all. I never use avocado as a vegetable having been brought up with avocado as a fruit. My Dad used to make the best (sweet) avocado mousse and I make that too for dessert sometimes, although nowadays I use stevia or monk fruit sugar instead of real sugar.

Lee said...

All are part of the foods I eat...and love!

baili said...

such a treasure read dear friend !

we eat all fondly ,they re seasonal here ,sprouts not seen around ever though

Lowcarb team member said...

Jutta.K. said...
Ich liebe und esse sie alle!
Es gibt nichts besseres :-)
Liebe Grüße

Google translate:
I love and eat them all!
There is nothing better :-)

Teresa said...

Me gustan todas las verduras. Saludos.

Conniecrafter said...

My favorite of them all is the spinach so looks like I am doing good here :)

Magic Love Crow said...

Great list! Thank you Jan!