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Monday, 12 November 2012

Eat to your meter ! A great new diabetes forum join today !

Check out a great new diabetes forum that's taking off big time, all welcome.
 Not a diabetic but maybe you need help for a friend or family member ? maybe you just want to lose some weight ? Come over and have a look. You have nothing to lose and all to gain, except weight !

Go to the link and press forum 

Face book page


Anonymous said...

Fabulous, what a blog it is! This website presents useful facts to us, keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Can only say W O W

Anonymous said...

This site is really cool! I found here alot of information that I was looking for. I am really happy to be a part of This site!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up guys.
Dcuk forum looks like it's going to turn into a tea and sympathy club with any form of debate suppressed unless it conforms to nhs guidelines.

Anonymous said...

If it carries on like this Bonkers will be appointed Health Secretary!

Imagine him in government!


Lowcarb team member said...

Bonkers would make a great PM knows f all about f all and thick as a plank. House of Lords material if ever I saw it.


Anonymous said...

current NHS advice seems intent on putting T2's in an early grave. thank Gog for the enlightened individuals at Eat to your Meter!