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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Quote of the day !

"It's just that people should know that they could suffer from an illness through low-carb dieting."

Gezzathorpe at

What illnesses have you got in mind Gezza ?



Anonymous said...

When someone says something like that they are just displaying their ignorance.
Well designed low carb diets improve health in so many ways.

Lowcarb team member said...

The so called illness he's on about is in fact the life threatening LowCarb/Atkins flu!

Ok it's not life threatening but I thought it would add a bit of impact to gezza's startling revelation.


Lowcarb team member said...

He surely can't be serious?


Galina L. said...

Some people have a fantasy that the more carbs they eat while doing exercise, the more carb-sensitive they get. Not my case, and hardly the case for any diabetic. The more carbs I eat, the less I want to move, and no amount of exercise would prevent a weight-gain from "safe starches".

Lynda said...

"It's just that people should know that they WILL suffer from MANY illnesses through high-carb eating."

Sorry had to change that quote, I'm sure he got it wrong :)

Lowcarb team member said...

The word "flu" is increasingly being used to describe vague symptoms which make people feel unwell.These symptoms are often associated with changes in lifestyle etc and the word is used ironically.

I am surprised that gezzathorpe is not aware of this but Diabetes Forum "flu" is not unknown either. The victims appear to need a great deal of attention and post a lot. That is fine if the posts are helpful to others.If they only mislead and frighten others then the disease appears to take a real hold and the patient may never recover with consideration for others and the initial virus. If not then the virus can get out of hand and infect many others and the original victim has to try harder.
