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Wednesday 10 September 2014

DCUK Low carb antis recruit new head of research !

"Lo carbing is wishy-washy and totally dependent on the patients diligence so I only recommend it to anyone with enough guts and determination to do it consistently 

If anyone has not got the guts and determination they should line up for max meds it is their best chance of survival." Forge here.



Anonymous said...

Forge is all over the place.
I really do not understand his logic. One minute he is an avid low carber and the next he is having a go.
I think he lives on cake judging by all his recipes and bulk buys of flour.

Andy12345 said...

He needs LOCKING UP!

Lowcarb team member said...

Someone told me he was Nobblyheads brother in law, but who can say ?
