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Saturday, 22 March 2025

Missing penguin Stanley returns home !

photo credit : ollie bayliss/bbc

Stanley the missing penguin returns home
Emperor penguin Stanley is back home with his smaller king penguin cousin, Ernest

Stanley the model penguin has finally made it back home after he went missing before Christmas.

The 1.2 metre-tall statue - which is made of glass fibre - became the subject of a social media appeal after it disappeared.

Stanley was taken overnight on 14-15 December from his home in Buckinghamshire, England, but was found after someone recognised it from news reports.

Stanley's owner, Julia, who is 72, said she was delighted to get him back after three months.

The emperor penguin, which has a damaged beak, had originally been part of a display at Winter Wonderland in London's Hyde Park.

But her son 'rescued' it in 2019 and gave it to his parents.

Police said the penguin was spotted in a back garden not far away and officers "spoke to the resident, who said they found the penguin at a car boot sale".

Officers explained it was stolen, "and the resident let them take it back home to its owners".
Story seen here

Sometimes it just brightens the day to have a slightly whimsical post 😊
Wishing all readers a happy weekend.

All the best Jan


Mari said...

I'm so glad Stanley is back home again!

The Happy Whisk said...

This was a little funny this part: Police said the penguin was spotted in a back garden not far away and officers "spoke to the resident, who said they found the penguin at a car boot sale".

Glad he returned home.

J.P. Alexander said...

Uy es un lindo pingüino. Te mando un beso.

Tom said...

...great news!

Anonymous said...

So glad he was recovered -Christine

Katerinas Blog said...

Awesome story!
I imagine the 72 year old loved the emperor penguin!
I'm glad he came home!
Have a beautiful day!

Margaret D said...

Re-United with it's owner is a happy ending, Jan.

chica said...

Que bom ele voltou!
Um amor!
beijos, ótimo fim de semana! chica

Sandi said...

Who would steal a giant penguin? 🤔

Iris Flavia said...

Who steals and sells a penguin? Glad he´s back home!

Bijoux said...

They are adorable! But that neighbor sounds suspect.🤣

eileeninmd said...

Stanley is a beautiful penguin! I am happy he is back home.
Have a happy weekend.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

I'm glad to hear the stolen penguin statue was found and returned.

CJ Kennedy said...

An uplifting story much needed on this side of the Pond. Thank you

jabblog said...

Thank you for this lovely post. It must have made many people smile.

Lisabella Russo said...

I'm glad the penguin was returned.

Ananka said...

Glad he's back :-D

Ananka said...

So glad he is home safe. Cute :-D

My name is Erika. said...

Hurrah! I'm glad Stanley made it home. :)

Mary Kirkland said...

Glad it's home now.

Carola Bartz said...

Good that Stanley made it home.
Somehow I had to think of Mr. Popper's Penguin, a story we read in 8th grade in our English learning class.

HappyK said...

Nice to hear that Stanley made it home again. :)

Bill said...

Glad Stanley made it back home. A story with a happy ending is nice.