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Saturday, 29 March 2025

Mothers Day Weekend (UK) 2025

Here in the UK, 30th of March is Mothers Day (2025), and hopefully your card(s) will have been received and displayed, you may receive presents too, however you celebrate, have a Happy Mothers Day.

It is also the weekend when British Summer Time starts and the clocks go forward at 1.00am on the 30th ... you can read more about that here

For those of you who may be interested here are three 'Mothers Trivia' facts.

A woman becomes pregnant most easily at the age of eighteen or nineteen, with little real change until the mid twenties. There is then a slow decline to age thirty-five, a sharper decline to age forty-five and a very rapid decline as the women nears menopause.

When the female embryo is only six weeks old, it makes preparations for her motherhood by developing egg cells for future offspring. (When the baby girl is born, each of her ovaries carries about a million egg cells, all that she will ever have).

In the vast majority of the world's languages, the word for "mother" begins with the letter M. Does your country? I believe in Japan the word is Okaasan

Above facts from here

If you should be celebrating Mother's Day, have an especially nice day.
~ I will be very fortunate, as I will spend time with family over the weekend ~

Forever in my heart
Forever in my thoughts
Forever in my life
My mum is always with me
Thank you Mum
I'll always love you

All the best Jan


Chatty Crone said...

Those flowers are gorgeous - happy Mother's Day.

DVArtist said...

Ohhhh those flowers are so pretty. May 11 is Mother's Day here in the US. Have a nice weekend.

Mari said...

Happy Mothers Day Jan! Glad you will be spending time with family. Those are such interesting facts!

Tom said...

...Jan, I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Jan, very interesting facts. -Christine

roentare said...

A special weekend to celebrate

Margaret D said...

Interesting Jan. Happy Mother's Day. We change our clocks back on the April 6 and our Mother's Day is in May.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Happy Mothering Sunday
Sul y Mamau Hapus
Have a lovely day with your family. Today also marks my own dear mother's birthday anniversary. She would have been 97.

Elephant's Child said...

Have a wonderful Mothers' Day weekend.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan :)
It's very interesting that in most countries mother starts with the letter M. Here in Portugal it is Mae. We don't celebrate Mother's Day just yet, but on the first Sunday in May. Enjoy your day with your family tomorrow and your cherished Mother.
All the best

Jules said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jan! I hope you have a lovely time with your family. Xx

jabblog said...

Beautiful flowers - such lovely, calm colours.

Sandi said...

BEAUTIFUL flowers. 💜

Bijoux said...

Happy Mother’s Day!

eileeninmd said...

Happy Mother's Day Jan! Have a wonderful day and a happy weekend.

Giorgio said...

May you have a nice mother day!

CJ Kennedy said...

Have a lovely Mother's Day with your family

My name is Erika. said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Jan. I hope you are gifted a lovely day. And those flowers are beautiful.

ashok said...

Best Wishes

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely post Jan and thank you for reminding me it is Mother's Day in England. Beautiful sentiments at the end also. My own dear Mum always enjoyed our bunch of daffodils we gave her on Mother's Day, this is a lovely memory jogger. Happy Mother's Day!

Laura. M said...

Feliz día para Todas la madres 💐〰🤗 En España se celebra el primer domingo de mayo.
Buen fin de semana.
Un abrazo .

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dear Jan!
Beautiful post. Mother's day is a beautiful holiday.
Hugs and greetings.

Mary Kirkland said...

I love the colors of the flowers.

HappyK said...

Interesting facts.
Happy Mother's Day.
The flowers are beautiful.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Beautiful flowers and words for Mothering Sunday. Enjoy your day with family.

Susan Kane said...

thanks for this lovely post. I didn't realize that Mother's Day in Europe is the end of March. My daughter lives in Switzerland, I will call her tomorrow!

Lowcarb team member said...

Susan Kane ...
Many thanks for your comment.
Please note Mother's Day in Switzerland is not until 11th May 2025
more details here:-

All the best Jan

J.P. Alexander said...

Ten un lindo fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

Granny Marigold said...

Happy Mothers Day. I hope you have a lovely day ( hopefully sunny).

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Best wishes on Mothers' Day and always. God bless you and yours.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Why is it a different day in different countries? Every day should be Mothers' Day ... although it would cost a lot in flowers and chocolates ...

Bill said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jan.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

happy Mother's Day and woderful Flowers!
Hugs Elke

Debbie said...

lovely post, really beautiful flowers!! happy mothers day to all the wonderful moms out there!!

Jeanie said...

Sending warm Mothers Day wishes to you!

Ananka said...

Happy Mother's Day Jan. I had a good day. And the clocks...well I was working a nightshift when they changed haha oh joy!

Lowcarb team member said...


Victor S E Moubarak ... who asked
Why is it a different day in different countries? Every day should be Mothers' Day ... although it would cost a lot in flowers and chocolates ...

Hello Victor and thank you for your two comments on this post.

In the UK Mothers Day has it's origins with Christian tradition stemming from the 16th century when Christians would visit their "mother" church on the fourth Sunday of Lent. So the reason the date of Mother's Day changes in the UK every year is because it has to do with Easter.

However, in many other countries it is just seen as a date to honour mothers and countries have set their own dates.

It has of course become very commercialised and as you say if we were to celebrate every day it would get very expensive with the price of flowers and chocolates.

On a personal note I have enjoyed a wonderful Mothers Day with my family and now look forward to the coming month of April.

Wishing you and all readers a good week ahead.

All the best Jan

sandy said...

That's amazing about a female creating about a million eggs. Happy MOther's day ...was it yesterday... Beautiful flowers.