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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Why I'm Not Eddie, Graham, or John (It's Not Personal, Guys)

Some forty years ago, during my studies at Leeds University, I spent a year in France, working as a language assistant in a French lycee (grammar school.) It was situated in the departement of Lorraine, which is next to that of Alsace, which borders Germany. Due to its physical location Alsace has been alternately French and German during its history, depending on who had won the latest war involving the two countries. Inter-country feelings can run high.

At some point during my stay there, I along with four other language assistants from the area (two Germans, a Scot, an American, and me, a Brit - there's a joke there, somewhere) visited a picturesque town in Alsace. We dined well that evening, food- and drink-wise. We walked around before retiring to bed, in the same hotel we dined at. Apparently later that night, when we were all asleep, some youths were being rowdy outside the hotel, and disturbing some of the hotel's overnighters, and leaving them in a bad mood. There was no ensuite in the rooms so, next morning, it was a case of walking the corridor in your dressing gown, with towel and toiletries. Imagine my surprise when I was accosted in the corridor by an elderly man with the salutation "Sale boche !" (Filthy German) Being English, and being totally unaware of why I was being attacked, I stood my corner and replied (in French) that he could call me a filthy Englishman if he wanted, but I wasn't a German. He kept on, other people heard the raised voices and gathered round, and eventually the manager appeared. The end of it was that the misunderstanding was cleared up (the elderly man had thought the 'rowdies' were those dining well in the restaurant i.e. us) and we were compensated in the level of our bill.

Move forward forty years, and I'm again accused of being someone that I'm not. I try to be a wysiwyg person, and don't like others labouring under misapprehensions about me.

Born (and later christened Geoff) in March 1952 I was born a Pisces. At the time of my birth the sign of my astrological ascendant (hence the 'rising') was Libra, which means I'm led to seek justice and fairness. Before diagnosis as diabetic last November I knew nothing about low-carbing as a health option, other than having heard of Atkins. Nothing about Gary Taubes. Nothing about being sold a 'pup' about a so-called 'healthy' diet.

My 'education' has been a swift one. I'm passionate about people being able to make informed choices about their health, and have no problem if someone makes an informed choice to follow a moderate or high-carb diet. Or chooses to avoid saturated fat. What I do have a problem with is people who seek to stifle knowledge. Thankfully, in this modern age, it is only a question of time, as knowledge of the benefits of low-carbing spreads, before this option is more widely known.

Until the death of Jon Lord in July, I was unaware of the existence of this blog. Googling either 'Jon Lord' or 'Durham Concerto' I found this blog entry
Ironically it was a post on another diabetes forum that prompted me to google, by a certain Sid Bonkers, another Lord fan. Scrolling down after finding that Durham Concerto video (thanks for that Eddie. It was great to hear it) I started my education about 'antis.' Until then I'd simply noticed how certain posters always seemed to be disrupting threads.

Fast forward to September, when I'm reading entries (here 2012)  by Uffe Ravnskov, one of the big cholesterol myth-busters, when he referenced that Youtube video of Hitler berating low-carbing. I've seen that video of Hitler several times, each time captioned differently, simply because it lends itself to that. One about Lewis Hamilton winning the championship I can remember clearly (since I'm a Lewis fan.) I thought it offered light relief on a diabetic forum. Apparently eagle eyes related to this blog (not mine, despite my forum avatar) also posted the video some two hours later.

This sent certain 'antis' into paroxysms of delight, as they felt they'd uncovered my 'true' identity, as a former member of the forum.They couldn't be further wrong. They must think only a handful could be as (insert whatever adjective you wish) as us. So any new appearance must be a double of someone they already know.

I think they should get out more.

I never was a 'filthy German.' I've never been Eddie, Graham, or John. I'm Geoff. Libra Rising. librarising. Get used to it.


Lowcarb team member said...

Geoff we appreciate the work you do on the forum, helping others to a safe way to control their diabetes. We are very appreciative of your comments here, but only a lunatic could confuse a gentleman like you, with one of our villainous team.


Anonymous said...

oh yea really !!

Lowcarb team member said...

"oh yea really !!"

Please may I be frank. No, frank is not one of our team. Get some counselling, may I recommend the Priory.


Borofergie said...

I agree, as well as being a low-carb warrior, Geoff is a scholar and a gent.

To be honest, if you're a low-carber posting on DCUK and you don't get accused of being "the Ediot", then you're not trying hard enough.


Anonymous said...

ah borofergie or maybe you are Eddie who knows. What a sad place this is!

Anonymous said...

Good grief Eddie have you shaven your head and grown a beard?

Lowcarb team member said...

"Anonymous said...
ah borofergie or maybe you are Eddie who knows. What a sad place this is!"

So sad you can't keep away, what does that make you ?

Come on join our team, you know you want to.


Anonymous said...

Oh please can't keep away because it is such a laugh Eddie and your other names ! Are you a team you maybe just one person - I think you may be graham as well as there is no pic or name!

Anonymous said...

Eddie said
"Come on join our team, you know you want to."

To borrow a Woody Allen quote, it's the most fun you can have with your clothes on !

Geoff (smiling more since discovering this blog)

Lowcarb team member said...

"nonymous said...
Oh please can't keep away because it is such a laugh Eddie and your other names ! Are you a team you maybe just one person - I think you may be graham as well as there is no pic or name!"

Come out of the closet, you know you will feel better. Join the human race !


Unknown said...

"ah borofergie or maybe you are Eddie who knows. What a sad place this is!"

Conspiracy theories are the last refuge of those who continually lose arguments:

Lowcarb team member said...

"Conspiracy theories are the last refuge of those who continually lose arguments:"


Lowcarb team member said...

Please accept my profuse apologies Angeleyes. [Mod edit: unnecessary comment]

Before edit.I was confusing you with a fat ex copper that used to be a mod.

Please Stephen no need to be bashful here.


Lowcarb team member said...

Troll said..
Oh please can't keep away because it is such a laugh Eddie and your other names ! Are you a team you maybe just one person - I think you may be graham as well as there is no pic or name!

Unlike you sunshine we don't have anything to hide me and Eddie have both had our pics published online.
Just ask your mate carbo/tubs at his blog the home of the brave anonymous internet Trolls.


Lowcarb team member said...

"I think this whole thing is now becoming quite tedious - who cares if you do not agree choose your own lifestyle and just stop harassing other people. Do others think it is wierd to save posts and pages and links about other people because I do!
"Eddie obviously has a problem and I think craves the limelight. He moans that people use anonymous posts but who in their right mind would put their real name on his blog - he has a history of texting, phoning and messaging people so he would hunt you out. That is a very scary thought as you never know what people might do! So stop it Eddie no one cares!"

The above on the Carbo cesspit.

Me thinks this person is a liar or at least guilty of gross exaggeration. I made one phone call as reported on this blog to confirm the idiot dietition was Christine A Cashin the imbecile resident high carb grub guru at


Lowcarb team member said...

This week I 'ave mostly been...



Lowcarb team member said...

"This week I 'ave mostly been...



What a killer, you damn near croaked me with that one.


Lowcarb team member said...

"What a killer, you damn near croaked me with that one."

Oh bugger it didn't work then!


Anonymous said...

I am Eddie and so is my wife.


Anonymous said...

I'm true to myself. I do not suffer from multiple personalities.

Lowcarb team member said...

"I'm true to myself. I do not suffer from multiple personalities."

How boring is that ?

Today I'm mostly Napoleon Bonaparte.
