No long term members at the forum of fun will ever forget Cugila. For newcomers, let me just say he was the king of thread lock, post deletion, post alteration and his real forte was banning and winding up lowcarbers. Literally many thousands of posts were deleted by this guy, including a very well known Doctor, who is a lowcarb expert and type two diabetic. OK, so you’ve got my drift. Graham and myself organized Cugila's exit visa, and the forum returned to some fair play and a place of relative calm.
When Cugila was at his most Stalinistic, Sid Bonkers, Phoenix, Catherine Cherub and Noblehead backed him to the hilt. With his departure, the clique as they become to be known, was neutralized and most of their clout was removed. There is a new Cugila on the forum, Anna. Thread locking, post deletion, post alteration and banning is back on the agenda, big time. If this was not enough, her advice to diabetics ranges from non existent to complete dross. Check out this from Anna, posted on the Diabetic nonsense thread
"Two old ladies [one whom was diabetic ] in a café couple of years ago said to me
Ooooh you're 'a Diabetic'

You cant have any more sugar EVER again can you?
Made me feel


hearing this one !!! [never forgotten it either]"
Clearly it was written in a vein of what a ridiculous thing to say. Telling a diabetic never to eat sugar again is sound advice in my book. It raises BG fast and has zero nutrients, pure calories and nothing else. Over at the ETYM forum a member of both forums started a thread last night and said he had received a warning from Anna.
"The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
Warning issued for attempting to cause trouble with intent again [rule break of setting up an "us against them"mentality."
This morning I received two emails from members who have received similar warnings from Anna. Only recently Paul served a temporary banning from Anna, for no good reason ! It will come as no surprise all are lowcarbers. It was less than a year ago when the forum had a night of the long knives, and banned a bunch of lowcarbers, which resulted in the ETYM forum being formed. Let's have a look at the "us against them" mentality."
It seems to me there are two main groups on the forum involved in the "us against them mentality." Those that have obtained fantastic control of their diabetes, and report on and support low carb good news every day of the week, some on minimal or no meds. These people that report on the benefits of lowcarb have numbered thousands over the years and have provided 90%+ of the good news posted on the forum.On the other side of the fence are the small group who push carbs, medication and follow the NHS and DUK etc. Most of the anti lowcarbers have talked of their retinopathy and other diabetic complications. They promote what I call the diet of slow death. People who have followed this group hardly if ever report any good news, for very obvious reasons. The NHS stats prove the high carb low fat diet does not work, full stop.This small group of anti lowcarbers have done more than anyone to promote an "us against them mentality."
The big question is WHY have the lowcarb antis been supported by so many moderators ?. Is it because so many past and present mods can identify with poor diabetes control and failure, and stick with there own kind. Or is there a policy from the owners and management of the forum, to subdue lowcarb as the way for better diabetes control. Let us not forget, the forum and main site is about making money. The forum is a mail shot list for the selling of products and diabetes related services, and I can tell you, there is not much money in promoting a lowcarb lifestyle. None of this would matter if the forum was small, but proudly boast we are the largest diabetes forum in the UK. The forum has helped many people, but the antis have confused newbies and out of control diabetics for years, and have undoubtedly sent many to an early grave.