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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Fruit and Almond Clafoutis : Low in Carbs and Delicious

This is one of our favourites. A fruit and almond clafoutis, very low carb.

It really fits into the LCHF menu plans very well.

50 grams of ground almonds
1 tablespoon of plain flour
250ml of double cream
2 egg yolks
100 grams of raspberries
100 grams of blueberries
Serves 4-6

Mix the almond flour, plain flour, egg yolks and cream in a bowl or Pyrex jug.
Pour into a non stick baking dish 8" x 1.5" and place the fruit.
Place into a pre heated oven at 190c and cook for twenty-five minutes.
Remove, cover with foil and cook for further twenty minutes.
Allow to stand for 1 hour.

This gorgeous French pudding is sublime. Low-carb and so easy to make.
Serve with double (heavy) cream.

All the best Jan


Karen said...

I know this must be delicious. I will have to try your recipe. I like anything similar to custard.

Mary Kirkland said...

I'll have to try and make this. I really like how this sounds.

Anonymous said...

this looks and sounds delicious,,

William Kendall said...

I've never heard of clafoutis before. It sounds good!

HappyK said...

That sure looks good.

Martha said...

So delicious!

Margaret D said...

Looks good.

Dianna said... I will definitely have to give this a try. Thank you so much, Jan, for sharing this recipe.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you Jan!!
I've never heard of clafoutis before!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I can't believe it's been so long since I visited. This sounds wonderful. And just when I was about to ask what double cream was, you told me! Thanks. And thanks for this recipe, too, which I am going to translate into measurements I have utensils for (grin).

Sami said...

I was wondering what to take to a friend's house for dinner on Friday and now I know. I just have to buy the raspberries as I have all the other ingredients.
Thanks Jan, enjoy Valentine's day.

Stephanie said...

What a delicious treat to enjoy! Hugs to you, dear Jan!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan:) Full of goodness, low carb, and looks delicious, just got to try this one. Many thanks!:)

Sandy said...

I have heard of this, but never tried it. This looks very good.

Snowbird said...

How pretty it looks!xxx

sandy said...

this looks soooo good. thanks. have a happy love day.

RO said...

I've never heard of this, but I'm definitely going to check this out. Yummy! Hugs...RO

Jean Irvin said...

I made this yesterday with raspberries and blackberries from the freezer. It is delicious!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

This does look delicious! I've made one similar with cherries before. I like the idea of the almond flour. x Karen

Lee said...

Delicious! I used to make clafoutis often when I was cooking in restaurants. They are wonderful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This looks so yummy. I rarely have a dessert so this would be a treat. Strawberries are in season here in Florida right now and blueberries are always available. Enjoy your weekend!

Gloria Baker said...

Love clafoutis !!xo

Gloria Baker said...

BTW I love use almonds meal!! is wonderful!

Dianna said...

Jan, I wanted to let you know that I made this recipe today and it is delicious. My husband and I both enjoyed it so much. I will definitely be making it again. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. :)

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Sounds delicious xx

Anonymous said...

Made this on Saturday, really delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


Jean | said...

Jan, sounds wonderful. Eddie is very fortunate to have a wife taking such care with his diet.