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Thursday 10 January 2019

Quesadillas - Go Mexican - Low Carb / Keto Version

A quesadilla is a heated tortilla with melted cheese inside. But in addition to cheese, you can put practically anything in a quesadilla. This Mexican-inspired dish is decadent, cheesy - and low carb/keto. You can serve them up as is, or decked-out with sour cream, guacamole and salsa. It's up to you ...
Happy eating!
Feliz comer!

Three Servings 
5g net carbs 41g fat 21g protein 
Low-carb tortillas
2 eggs
2 egg whites
6 oz. cream cheese
1½ tsp ground psyllium husk powder
1 tbsp. coconut flour
½ tsp salt
5 oz. grated hard cheese of your liking
1 oz. arugula (rocket) lettuce

1 tbsp. olive oil, for frying

There is greenery in the above recipe provided by using rocket leaves which is sometimes known as Arugula. Now we all know that salad greens are healthy, and that most are very low in calories. However, did you know that not all give you a good dose of nutrients... well Arugula/ Rocket is one leafy green vegetable that stands out as a rich source of many vitamins and minerals.

Consider the difference between iceberg lettuce and arugula/rocket:
Arugula contains about eight times the calcium,
fives times the vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K,
four times the iron as the same amount of iceberg lettuce.

The choice is easy... start with arugula/rocket for a healthier salad! 

Never underestimate the power of melted cheese — in other words, make extra if you’re expecting a crowd! And make some guacamole, too.
Depending on your taste, some may find, they are slightly eggy, however, when you add the fillings and flavourings the eggy taste is gone. 

Frying instead of baking 
If you don't want to bake the tortillas you can fry them in a pan instead. We recommend using a non-stick pan for this. Add a small amount of butter or oil to the pan and place it over medium heat. 
Add a dollop of the batter in the middle of the pan and swirl it around to cover. This will give you a thin tortilla, or crepe if you would rather use it as that. Cook until set on top and then flip carefully and let the other side cook for about a minute. 

Prepare ahead of time 
You can make the tortillas ahead of time. Allow them to cool completely before stacking them with parchment paper in-between. Wrap them with plastic and keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

When you are in the mood for fresh quesadillas - just add cheese and fry them according to the instructions. Once the quesadillas are assembled and cooked they are best to eat right away. 

Recipe instructions
Can be found here

A variety of recipe suggestions/ideas are found within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

Talking about Mexico, did you know that 
Dahlia pinnata is the national flower of Mexico 

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...looks cheesy good.

blooming home and garden said...

Looks very tasty...


magiceye said...

Looks are droolworthy!

Laurel Wood said...

That dahlia is gorgeous. I love quesadillas. Thx for the unique twist on the recipe.

Jo said...

Yum, delicious. A beautiful flower too.

Miss Val's Creations said...

I love arugula. I will have to try it with our next Mexican dish. It would certainly add a zing! That dahlia is a beauty!

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Dahlia is lovely flowers. Have a nice evening

Valerie-Jael said...

So yummy! Valerie

DVArtist said...

Can't go wrong with anything Mexican. I do make these for my husband, however I don't eat flour so I make myself a hot cheese salad.

mxtodis123 said...

I love these. Love anything Mexican.

Martha said...

Looks very yummy!

R's Rue said...


mamasmercantile said...

Such a great recipe and always a joy to learn something new. I had no idea about the nutrients in rocket, thank you for sharing.

Elephant's Child said...

They do look good. As does the dahlia.

Sue (this n that) said...

Looking great, nice and easy and that always appeals ;D) Thanks Jan

Christine said...

looks delicious!

Out on the prairie said...

A fav snack, I sometimes put an over east egg in mine

sandy said...

Dahlia pinata...did not know that. Those tortillas sound interesting. I love a good quesadilla.

William Kendall said...

It sounds good.

Bill said...

I always add some hot salsa to my quesadillas.

carol l mckenna said...

Mexican food can be so delish ~ neat recipe ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Karen said...

That is good to know about arugula. I have not bought that lettuce before. I learned something about the dahlia, too! Thanks for your post.

HappyK said...

Oh we sure do like quesadillas here at my house and have them often.

Carol Blackburn said...

I was just thinking about these things the other day and how I miss the black bean & corn Quesadillas we used to make topped with salsa and sour cream. I just might need to break the diet for a day this month and make some of these but using your low carb tortillas. Thanks.

This N That said... quesadillas..thanks for the recipes...good suggestions

Mary Kirkland said...

I like the low carb tortillas. I've used them in dishes before.

Wendy said...

I did not know that about the dahlia! One of my fav flowers to plant in my garden.
Oh and the quesadillas look scrumptious!

Conniecrafter said...

I do love Quesadillas, a little chicken inside is good too :)
I have not tried the Arugula yet, so nice to have something with more good stuff in them!
I did not know that was Mexico's national flower, makes me want to go through my stamp and see if I have on of them to color up :)

Lady Fi said...

Looks delicious.

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, I have to try this - in a pan :-)

Phil Slade said...

good idea. We like to put some warmed chilli in a tortilla, roll it a little, cover with cheese and then grill. Very quick and tasty.

Bob Bushell said...

Mexican cuisine is beautiful, of course vegetarian, this is the one, thanks Jan.

Jenn Jilks said...

I did not know that!
I did find out, from our local paper, that we have a local woman producing cheese from almond milk!

Jenn Jilks said...

Oops, cashews!

Gloria Baker said...

these quesadillas look wonderful! we love them!! xo

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent post Jan!!! I love the recipe and I didn't know about the flower! Big Hugs!