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Monday 25 November 2019


This appeals to my warped sense of humour. Have you seen how people go crazy, and fight over junk, as if their lives depended on purchasing more cheap Chinese crap they don't really need. It's a mad world and getting worse. 



sheila 77 said...

I agree, it's totally mad.
I bought two similar sweaters in John Lewis and one was twenty pounds less than the other.
I didn't know this until I went to pay for them, so I asked why one was cheaper and it was because it was "last year's colour". So crazy.

Divers and Sundry said...

lol! I went shopping on Black Friday once and actually enjoyed it, but I'd rather stay home and eat leftovers :)

Lori Miller said...

Here's a thought: give yourself a bigger house by decluttering and a pay raise by not shopping for recreation.

Natalia said...

It scares me to be honest! Have a lovely week☺

sandy said...

I lay claim to the fact that i have never ever and will never ever shop Black Friday or Black Week Friday ever - and even more I will not shop on the weekend after Friday - ...ever.

Valerie-Jael said...

Perish the thought to join in such madness. Valerie

Rain said...

People are idiots lol...I have never nor will I ever shop on Black fact we don't even have that here in Canada, though they try to imitate it for marketing purposes! I hate crowds and prefer to just shop online when I can. That image reminded me that Stallone has a new Rambo out!

The Happy Whisk said...

It's amazing and it doesn't seem to just be on Black Friday but rather a constant push to get people to buy clutter. As for Black Friday, back when I owned a blanket business (full-time, I sewed and sold blankets at shows), we did do the Black Friday at the fabric shoppe. And it was worth it. But ... it was a fun atmosphere. And before that, I worked at said fabric shoppe and on Black Friday, and we just had a lot of fun. Really fun. Women laughing, smiling, getting fun fabric and crafts. A true hoot and half.

Christine said...

We really have to think do we really need anything, it is crazy.

dellgirl said...

This is so true! I have never shopped Black Friday deals and never will. Guess this proves, it takes ALL KINDS to make the world (or something like that). Thanks for sharing this smile-maker. :)

Bill said...

I've read about the insanity of shopping. I avoid all places by not shopping.

Jeanie said...

The only store you will catch me in on Black Friday -- MAYBE -- is the grocery store. I hate that tradition.

carol l mckenna said...

it is a 'Brave New World' ~ let them have it ~ Black Friday ~ YUK! ~ Going to celebrate Xmas in my own way, thank you ~ and not at the Malls at all!

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

This N That said...

Not me! Not ever. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

HappyK said...

I'm not going anywhere near a store that day!!!!

Tom said...

...Black Friday is a day to stay home!!!

Kay said...

No Black Friday deals for me.

Chris Lally said...

Hahahahaha! I don't even go to the mailbox on Black Friday.

Linda said...

Any shopping I do on Black Friday will be online. Unlike Rocky, I am not a fighter!

Iris Flavia said...

And afterwards they go to a fancy restaurant and spend money I would not dare to.
Here you only have this online. Which is too much already... (at least as far as I know, that is!).

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Concordo plenamente isto é uma loucura.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

eileeninmd said...


I stay away from the stores on Black Friday. Some people do go crazy, pushing and shoving. I am not really big on shopping any time. Enjoy your day, wishing you a good week ahead!

Phil Slade said...

Every day I read the news (on the Internet) convinces me that the world has gone completely mad. Egged on by gravy trainers and crooks in the House of Commons plus corporate greed, who can blame consumers for wanting some of the action - even if it kills them.

Sue said...

It's not even a day now is it, it's black Friday week!! x

sage said...

I avoid Black Friday and will probably spend most of the day working on my speech for a St. Andrew’s Banquet on Saturday :)

baili said...

i agree that people are crazy for stuff and don't even show self respect while behaving as mad
i would stay mile away from such madness

William Kendall said...

Of course, you can also compare Black Friday crowds to zombie movies.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I can never understand the consumerist madness that overtakes people.

I can't say i won't ever shop on Black Friday but i can say that the only shopping I ever have or ever will do on that day is for groceries, newspapers and possibly a book from a local 2nd hand shop