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Monday, 23 September 2024

Cinnamon ... is back with her twin brother !

Cinnamon, the capybara missing in Telford, Shropshire, UK has been caught and returned to her home at a wildlife park.

The giant rodent escaped from her enclosure at Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World on Friday 13 September, into nearby woodland.

She was found safe and well on Friday afternoon (20 September) in a pond within the neighbouring woodland conservation area, and is now back in her enclosure.

"We're absolutely delighted to have Cinnamon back at the zoo," said owner, Will Dorrell.

"I’d love to say it was nice and easy getting her out of the pond but it wasn’t. Several of us got very wet.

"Cinnamon was quite happy in the pond so we had to get in with her and slowly try to coax her into the cage.

"I know that there will be lots of people who will be very excited to see her, but nobody more so than her own mum and dad."

Mr Dorrell said the team at the zoo had been "astounded" by the public reaction to her escape and they were grateful to everyone who had helped to ensure her safe return.

Teams worked for about an hour to get her out of the pond and into a cage.

She has since been returned to an enclosure with her twin brother, Churro, and the zoo said she was acclimatising to life back at the zoo.

Mr Dorrell said she seemed to be in good health, but would be checked over by a vet in the coming days.

In the meantime, experts will be monitoring her around the clock, and she will remain out of public view over the weekend.

"I think we're probably not exaggerating to say that Cinnamon is probably the world's most famous capybara, but it's more important that she's nice and fit and healthy," Mr Dorrell said.

He added that she would hopefully be returned to her usual paddock with the rest of her family next week.

Mr Dorrell said her initial escape was down to "keeper error" and the zoo had put in place new measures to ensure it did not happen again.

Despite keepers putting out live traps along routes she had frequented on her trip to the wild, Cinnamon recognised attempts to capture her, and instead skirted around them.

Search efforts were called off temporarily on Thursday, amid concerns she would wander on to neighbouring Ministry of Defence land.

Over the week, searches were carried out on foot, as well as by air using thermal drones.

The woodland environment - dense thicket and brambles - made it "impenetrable" to zoo volunteers.

The story of the fugitive rodent attracted international attention, especially as the zoo reported that she was seemingly "living her best life", wandering around and eating vegetation.

The animals are native to South America and are the largest living rodents in the world.
Words from article here, along with a video showing Cinnamon's capture.

Photo Credit - Hoo Zoo
who described Cinnamon as probably the world's most famous capybara

What with Rufus, the American Hawk (see here) and now Cinnamon the South American Capybara, I wonder who may feature next for a blog post? 

Wishing all readers a good week ahead.

All the best Jan


Susan Kane said...

This felt like a story, and I loved it. Hard to picture what animals from other countries acclimate to new homes.

Tom said...

...a capybara is new for me. Thanks Jan for sharing this story.

peppylady (Dora) said...

That an good name for the creature.

Rose said...

All's well, that ends well....and I am glad it ended well!

J.P. Alexander said...

Es muy lindo. Te mando un beso.

Divers and Sundry said...

I love capybaras, and we have some at the zoo here in Memphis. I'm laughing out loud as is my family as I read this account. We're imagining Cinnamon recounting her adventures and leading her family back into the woodland lake. 😂

Angie's Recipes said...

A wonderful happy end :-)

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Good news to start the week! Cinnamon's adventure is over ~ for now, maybe there will be more to come from this rodent escapologist?
Hope the weather is kinder to you than in some areas!
Have a good week, Debbie

Margaret D said...

Well that ended up being a good story Jan. I hadn't read anything about it until now.

Elephant's Child said...

Wonderful news - even if she doesn't think so.

Linda said...

Good story.

jabblog said...

I was pleased to hear that Cinnamon had been found. Capybaras are like huge guinea pigs and very gentle, I gather.

kathyinozarks said...

Thanks for sharing this story-does the zoo provide her with a pond? If not maybe that is what she wanted Happy new week

Jo said...

Haha, I bet she had a wonderful adventure.

eileeninmd said...

It is great Cinnamon was found and is home with her family.
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Jenovia Dżemson said...

My children love capybaras. We won't buy a capybara but we plan to buy a brown guinea pig to make it similar.
Greetings and I invite you to see my new painting :)

Jeanie said...

I don't think I know anything about capybyras. Cinnamon is pretty cute!

CJ Kennedy said...

Girls just want to have fun 😺I'm glad Cinnamon is safe and sound

Stefania said...

Adoro la cannella.
Chewing-gum alla cannella.
Strudel di mele con la cannella.
Tisana mela e cannella.
Insomma c'è n'è per tutti i gusti

Dee Kissinger said...

Seriously!!! They are the cutest of the rodent world for sure!!! I'm glad she is safely back home, but she looks a little put out about it. LOL She really was living it up while she was out I'm sure.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How funny! I loved reading about these adventures. I wasn't sure what I could say about parsnips! heeheehee! Lots of hugs, Diane

Linda said...

Well I’m glad she is okay. There is something strange about a giant rodent escaping on Friday the 13th. Sounds like a movie plot.

R's Rue said...

I love cinnamon.

Jenn Jilks said...

Wonderful seeing communities come together.

Bill said...

It's great that she is back home and hopefully in good health.

Mary Kirkland said...

I love capybara's. I'm glad she's back safely.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Thank you for sharing this story which thankfully had a happy ending. Have a good week,Jan.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my... I am glad she is home and doing well.

Ananka said...

I was following this story. I really thought something bad might have happened to her. I am so glad she was okay. They were saying she was having a great time haha! Glad she was found safe and well. She is a gorgeous creature :-D

Kim in Oregon said...

Have you ever seen a baby one? They are so very cute.

HappyK said...

Glad she was found and brought back from her adventure.

Lowcarb team member said...

Good news!
Cinnamon was reunited with her family today, use this link to find out more

All the best Jan

PS Thank you for all your lovely comments.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm glad she was found. :) It must have been quite a journey for her.

Hena Tayeb said...

haha.. what an adventure.

baili said...

heartwarming sharing my dear Jan!
reminds me a story read in school book when rose flowers leaves it's branch because of pride

carol l mckenna said...

Glad Cinnamon is safe ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Conniecrafter said...

Sounds like she went on quite the adventure and wasn't going back willingly, but I bet her twin brother was very happy to see her :)

Teresa said...

Fue una bonita aventura para ella. Besos.