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Friday 30 March 2018

Wildlife of Planet Earth ... it's wonderful !

... and now for something a little different!
Planet Earth has such a variety of wildlife, I share just four examples here

Blue Footed Boobies, Ecuador

 Polar Bear Cubs sleep next to their mother in Canada

A Snowy Owl in Wisconsin, US, where it migrated for the winter

Two Baby Owls in Indonesia

If you enjoy looking at wildlife photographs -
there are lots more here

Can you choose a favourite?

All the best Jan


Jo said...

Awww, I think the polar bears are my favourites, so cute.

only slightly confused said...

Big fan of the owls here....loved the picture of the babies.

Mary Kirkland said...

Those are great pictures. Animals are always cute.

Tom said...

...nature is a wonderful thing.

DMS said...

These pictures are adorable. Love looking at animals and these are just so cute. :)

Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful, beautiful things. We do live in an amazing world. And need to look after it better than we currently manage.

orvokki said...

So lovely and cute animals, great photos.
Wish you Happy Easter.

Lisabella Russo said...

Oh these are adorable! I do not think I could choose a favorite...

Ela said...

Oh, these pictures are fantastic !! I love the last photo !!
Have a Happy Easter !!

John M said...

Nice collection.

R's Rue said...


Christine said...

Such amazing photos Jan, thanks so much for sharing.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh these photos are so adorable and precious!

Happy Days to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Martha said...

I can't really choose a favourite. These are all so precious. Although I do tend to lean towards the polar bears :)

Anonymous said...

I love all of these fantastic photos. Brings a smile to my face.
Thank you for your kind comment for John.
Easter blessings to you.

HappyK said...

All are so very cute, but I'd have to pick the owl. Looks like he's smiling.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Don't we live on an amazing planet? The blue footed boobies take the prize for me! Blessings to you and your family this Easter. ♥

Chris Lally said...

Thank you for such a sweet post, Jan, and reminder that we live on such a beautiful, magical planet.
A favorite? No, each new photo is my new favorite...

Anonymous said...

those blue feet are amazing!!!!

Margaret D said...

Like that Snowy Owl, have taken a liken to owls of late.
Happy Easter

peppylady (Dora) said...

Snowy owl sure can smile and it makes me see joy in world.
Coffee is o

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is hard to pick a favorite. I love them all.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Happy Easter to you and your family.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is almost impossible to pick a favourite. Thanks for showing us so many images of the diversity of wildlife on this planet.

Conniecrafter said...

Isn't it so amazing all the wonderful animals that are out there, there are a couple I have never seen before, thanks for sharing :)
Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

All creatures great and wonderful that we share this earth with so many. Love the little blue feet :) Hugs xo Karen

William Kendall said...

Oh, so cute!

Debbie said...

be still my heart and that snowy owl, just adorable!!!

Sandy said...

Just what I needed to see this morning!

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you Jan! Truly love them all! Big Hugs!