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Wednesday 15 January 2020

Mid-Week Already !

Goodness me it's Wednesday already and also the 15th of January - we are half way through the first month of 2020! I don't know about you, but I haven't yet made a mistake about writing, or typing, the year - I think the reason maybe that 2020 just has a lovely ring to it - and it's so balanced!

For mid-week I thought I'd share these with you
First some winter red and pink roses
image from here

Second a beautiful winters day 
featuring our two youngest grand-children enjoying some winter sun on the beach
image also used on this post here

Third a tasty low carb soup
Creamy Broccoli and Leek Soup
more details here

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. Many thanks for reading and continued good wishes for 2020.

All the best Jan


Ygraine said...

I love the photo of your grandchildren on the beach...a fabulous wintry scene! :))
That soup look delicious too...many thanks!

Hugs xxx

Tom said... time flies!

Sami said...

That soup must be delicious. Thanks Jan :)

JFM said...

Lovely photos and the soup looks delicious!
Thank you for sharing 💮

DVArtist said...

Good morning. Beautiful flowers, a wonderful photo and that soup looks amazing. Thank you for your well wishes to me. I appreciate it very much.

It's me said...

Beautiful roses ....happy evening love Ria 💕💕

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely photos and the soup looks very tasty. Valerie

Jo said...

All lovely photos, but I don't think you can beat children getting some fresh air on a beach in the winter sunshine.

Divers and Sundry said...

Winter fun :) The soup looks delicious.

Elephant's Child said...

It is Thursday here - albeit early.
Love the photo of your grandchildren.
And yes, 2020 does have a nice ring.

Laura. M said...

Si las flores son preciosas. La foto del mar la supera Jan. Me encanta.
Un abrazo.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful young children, I love the my granddaughters as well. said...

Gorgeous flowers

Sue (this n that) said...

Hello Jan, strange you should mention that - I too have had no problem remembering to write 2020 a few times now, usually I dither around for a few months into a new year ;D)
A beautiful bouquet of roses, oh those colours.
Love the happy beach moments and, even in our warmer weather currently, I'm thinking of trying the soup - yum, an excess of vegies atm so I'm thinking our zucchinis could also be added!
Cheers xx

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Of the three - only the soup is edible. So I prefer that.

God bless.

Lorrie said...

Lovely photos for mid-January. The soup looks delicious with the crispy cheese. Grandchildren on the beach are such a joy.

Lisabella Russo said...

What beautiful roses! The soup also looks very delicious, thank you!

Rose said...

The roses are beautifully arranged...the beach scene looks like fun...and the broccoli soup looks delicious.

Christine said...

Sweet grandkids. That soup looks amazing!

sage said...

Beautiful flowers, a beautiful day, and that soup looks delightful.

HappyK said...

The flowers are beautiful.
So nice to see your grandchildren playing on the beach.
The soup looks delicious.

Jeanie said...

What a lovely post -- and how encouraging to think we are half through January! I love seeing the beach!

dellgirl said...

Beautiful photos, Jan. I especially love the one of your Grand kids on the beach, so precious. The Creamy Broccoli and Leek Soup looks temptingly delicious. Makes me wish I had a bowl right now. Yours is making me hungry.

Wishing you a wonderful Thursday!

Margaret D said...

The flowers are beautiful and I recall the the syndrome SAD that you wrote about before and visited the link and re read.

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, I love the beach photo!
And the soup would be perfect when coming home after such a visit (not sure about the leek, though, and what can ever beat your Brussels Sprouts soup?!).

Natalia said...

Yum, the soup looks so good and delicious! I would love to live by the beach ☺

Teresa said...

Preciosas esas flores y tus nietos en la playa. Besitos.

CJ Kennedy said...

I can't believe how quickly this month has flown by!

mamasmercantile said...

Beautiful floral arrangement and such a wonderful photo on the beach, a real delight.

sandy said...

So............ there are three things I like about this post ..those beautiful roses, your grandkids on the beach and ...yum ..that broccoli soup! Hope your upcoming weekend is great.

Mary Kirkland said...

The flowers are beautiful and I love the beach picture. Have a great week.

Rain said...

I can just imagine a bowl full of that yummy soup after spending some time out in the cold weather! I'm the same, I haven't made a mistake writing 2020 either, kind of a cool year! :) The flowers are so beautiful!

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful flowers, lovely view of the beach and looks a good soup too!

My name is Erika. said...

What a gorgeous bouquet!

Martha said...

With the cold weather we have, that soup would be very much appreciated!

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable pictures!Love the Flowers arrangement!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love the red peppers. The flowers are glorious!
I've been good with 2020, too!
I hear you about Saturday night music!!!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful flowers!