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Wednesday 29 January 2020

Wednesday ... can be such an enjoyable day !

What a glorious day, blue sky and sunshine
such a change from grey skies and lots of rain!
I know ducks seem to love rain,
but these snowdrops certainly perked up in the sunshine

Not to be outdone … there were even a few early daffodils
perhaps Spring is just around the corner!

How about an enjoyable low carb mid-week meal?
This is a popular recipe ...

Sausage with Cauliflower and Parsley Rice

definitely yum!
more details/recipe here

Yes, Wednesday's can be such an enjoyable day
Happy midweek wishes

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...somethings to see on my return.

Sue said...

Ooh such happy flowers, it's very grey and bleak arround here. This recipe looks good, it's always nice to try something new. Have a fun week, Sue xx

Elephant's Child said...

Daffodils are sunshine on stalks aren't they? And I love the snowdrops too.
Still no rain here. Big, big sigh.

Barb said...

Oh gosh, flowers already? I love seeing yours and dreaming about mine.

CJ Kennedy said...

Still too early for snowdrops and daffs here. Maybe in another 2 months

Valerie-Jael said...

It's been wild, wet and windy here, with storm, hail, sun, rainbows and hailstones. Definitely not boring. The food looks great! Valerie

Christine said...

I have never seen snowdrops in real life, yours are delightful. The food looks good.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday too.

sandy said...

Those eggplant melts down below look good but what looks even better are those snow drops and daffodils. We have a beautiful daffodil display a few miles away. The guy started planting them when his wife developed cancer about 7 or 8 years ago. She eventuallly passed but the daffodil displays still come back every year. Here in the mountains we don't get to enjoy them until about the end of March or first of April - Can't wait to see them again.

Jeanie said...

Now I know what snowdrops look like! And oh, to see them -- and daffodils now! It will be quite sometime for us!

Maria Rodrigues said...

With sunny days everything has more color and joy.
I loved the flowers, how beautiful they are.
The recipe must be delicious.

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for the lovely flowers and the food looks delicious as always :)

Lorrie said...

Snowdrops and daffodils do brighten up late winter days. No daffs here yet, but lots of snowdrops! We had some sun this afternoon after a dismally damp morning.

Rose said...

I am definitely ready for some flowers...but I have a while to wait.

Margaret D said...

The spring flowers are beautiful.

Jo said...

It was a beautiful day. Back to grey skies today though.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's 3 am in my world and you have just made me hungry. Gorgeous early flowers, too.

eileeninmd said...


You are lucky to see the flowers blooming so early. We may see them in April.
Very pretty, the meal look yummy! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

Martha said...

So delicious! I'll have to try this. We had a beautiful, sunny and mild day yesterday. It was wonderful to be outdoors.

mamasmercantile said...

What a delight to see the flowers flowering so early.

JFM said...

Quite the delicious and beautiful post!
I enjoyed it very much 💮

Evi Erlinda said...

Beautiful flowers :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful flowers, Jan! I'm looking forward to spring, although we have to wait almost till late may for it to arrive in my area.

Lee said...

This and your previous couple of posts are very inviting.

Sorry for lagging behind in responding...I've been glued to, not only the Australian Open tennis matches...but to my pedestal fans! :)

HappyK said...

Pretty flowers.

Teresa said...

Las flores están preciosas. Feliz día.

William Kendall said...

The snowdrops are quite cheerful.