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Sunday, 15 December 2024

Tips for a joyful and lower-carb Happy Holiday / Merry Christmas-time

Lifestyle and diet is always a personal choice, mine is LCHF, some readers may choose to eat vegetarian, or vegan, some choose a Mediterranean style diet, while others talk low carb or keto. With the Christmas and Holiday season upon us many find themselves over-eating and not making the best (or wisest) of choices! 

For me, the real joy of Christmas has always been enjoying the company of family and friends, playing games, going for walks, watching TV, relaxing, laughing and giving and receiving gifts – it doesn’t have to revolve around food! Yes, food is important, but you can enjoy some festive fare without having to overindulge or fall off the lower-carb wagon!

Here are some tips to help you get the best out of your lower-carb Christmas this year:

Planning your Christmas dinner:

Focus on what you can eat rather than what you can’t. There are plenty of Christmas inspired foods you can eat. Most of Christmas dinner can be lower-carb e.g. Turkey or other meats, Brussels sprouts, peas, a few carrots, pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon).

For vegetarians a lower-carb nut roast is great, and a wonderful piece of salmon would be ideal for pescatarians!

Add in your carb substitutes: 

Roast or mashed celeriac, or mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, your family and friends may not even notice the difference!

Instead of Christmas pudding make something like this lower carb orange and gingerbread cheesecake from Diet Doctor - see here

Eating out/Christmas parties:

Plan ahead! You have less control over what you eat when you are eating away from home, so a bit of planning is needed. If you are unsure whether the party food on offer is going to be suitable then pack a few of your own snacks into a bag and subtly eat those.

Choose carefully from your host’s selection, there will probably be some things you can eat such as meat-based kebabs, cheese, salads or prawns.

Try and avoid party food that is covered in batter or breadcrumbs or contains pastry such as vol-u-vents.

Practice saying, “I don’t eat that” rather than “I can’t eat that”. The former sounds like a positive health decision and your host may admire your willpower, whereas the latter sounds like an externally imposed restriction which may lead your host to say, “oh go on, of course you can, its Christmas!”. Practice saying “No thank you” when offered food you don’t want to eat – you are not obliged to eat free food if you don’t want to.

Be careful around alcohol. A glass of wine or a gin and tonic is fine if it helps you feel part of the celebrations. Avoid the punch even if it’s non-alcoholic because it will be full of sweetened mixers such as fruit juice or lemonade. The best soft drinks are either tap water or carbonated water without any flavourings.

Hosting your own party:

There are lots of lower-carb finger food/snack options if you are hosting your own party, try some of the recipes from the Step Away From the Carbs - see here. Your guests may not even notice there are no carbs if the foods you provide are delicious, and no doubt more nutritious than the usual party fare!

If you feel obliged to provide some carb-based snacks for your guests, then arrange the table with the low-carb foods on one side and the high-carb foods on the other so you can easily find the foods you want to eat and you can stay away from the higher carb end of the table!

Try and stick with your usual eating times:

Try and stick with your low-carb eating pattern. If you eat 2 meals a day, try and stick to it. Likewise, try and keep to your time-restricted eating window as much as you can. The more of your usual routine you can follow the better. This means you won't have to try and 'get back to normal' after Christmas because you will never have left your new normal!

If you need to snack make sure its on nuts, cheese or olives, or other permissible lower carb food choices

If you get a sugar craving then eat something bitter to take it away such as a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, lemon peel, black coffee, dandelion tea, green veggies or put a pinch of salt under your tongue. Bitter foods interact with receptors in your gut to increase the secretion of the appetite suppressing hormone Cholecystokinin (CCK)

Drink plenty of water so that you don’t confuse thirst for hunger.

If you feel overwhelmed with temptation at Christmas just keep reminding yourself of why you have chosen this (lower carb) lifestyle and what benefits you are gaining from it such as less bloating, less joint pain, lower blood pressure, more stable blood sugars, no energy slumps, a greater sense of control and improved mental well-being. Focus on the joy of being with family and friends, offer to organise some games or arrange a family walk to keep you distracted from food. You can still enjoy yourself at Christmas without sabotaging your longer-term goals.

Above all have a Happy Holiday / Merry Christmas time!

Most words above taken from article seen here

You will find a variety of articles and recipes within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.
All the best Jan


Tom said...

...this can be a carb rich time of year!

jabblog said...

We don't see many advertisements, but those we do constantly push the 'festive food'', the 'feast', the 'party food' - it's actrually quite nauseating.

Jules said...

Some great advice, Jan. I do indulge in quite a few sweet treats at Christmastime, but I wouldn't find any pleasure in eating so much that I'm uncomfortable. Moderation is the key. Oh, and someone to hide the Quality Street :)

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Thanks for your tips, I'll try to remember that!
have a happy week! HUg Elke

Mor Düşler Kitaplığı said...

Thanks for the tips and have a good week :)

Elephant's Child said...

My Christmas treat is fruit salad. Not a low carb choice, but I don't add to it with pastries or other sweet treats.

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as a low carb happy holiday...let 'er rip with the cake, pie and cookies...just start over the day after.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

I am letting COOK cook my Christmas dinner again this year. It will be delivered frozen end of the week. Nut roast, and four different vegetable sides.

Chris said...

Just a great tip..... to focus on what you can eat and not what you can't Thank you!

CJ Kennedy said...

Wonderful suggestions on how not to over-indulge

Angie's Recipes said...

I LOVE low carb or even no carb healthy high fat way of eating! Merry Christmas, Jan.

eileeninmd said...

It is hard to turn down yummy food.
There will be so much available too.
Great advice and tips!
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Linda said...

I eat what I want at Christmas. First, I convince myself I only want a tiny bite of goodies.

Ex would say as soon as his foot crossed the threshhold at parties, "I am on a diet and cannot eat." I wanted to kill but joyfully said, "That's okay, I will eat lots to make up for him." I did. And, I lost weight over Christmas. I ate little all day and ate at the party.

One year, I lost 47 pounds over Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and NYE!

Of course, I am fat now.

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing!

roentare said...

Good tips about carb substitutes!

HappyK said...

Lots of good tips!!

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Great tips for staying on track Jan. I have been eating low carb since 2018 and feel so much better. I don't feel deprived though there are many temptations everywhere.

Lorrie said...

Lots of good ideas here for a healthier, low-carb Christmas season. I do indulge in small amounts of carby treats. Portion control helps, too.

peppylady (Dora) said...

We had mashed cauliflower for Thanksgiving.

Kay said...

This is the season when our neighbors will be inundating us with lots of delicious carb filled treats. Sigh. We'll freeze and have them slowly throughout the year. And then my sister-in-law just sent a mail-order bake in your own home type frozen pastry and deep fried selections. Sigh... I'll serve the pastry things at the family get-together.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My problem is I forget potatoes are not low carb. This Christmas I am substituting sweet potatoes as my potato choice. Great tips, Jan.

Margaret D said...

Nice read Jan. We have a cold meal as in salads for Christmas as it's usually too hot for a hot meal.

Fun60 said...

An excellent reminder with festivities around the corner.

Jean said...

Thank you for a very useful message XX

Ananka said...

So many carbs at Christmas! Water is always your friend! :-D

roughterrain crane said...

Thank you for good suggestions to keep healthy conditions in this season.

linda said...

Very wise advise I wish that I could stick to it.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Dear Jan!
Your post is incredibly interesting. As always, I am delighted with it.
Hugs and greetings:)

Hena Tayeb said...

Excellent tips.. it is so much harder to be healthy this time for year.

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for all the good tips. I will try to heed your good advice! Hugs, Valerie

Bill said...

Some great tips, thanks Jan.

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for the reminder about drinking water. I already caught myself NOT drinking enough during the winter season.

Mary Kirkland said...

I've been pretty good the last couple of months. Keeping the meals low carb.

My name is Erika. said...

I love the suggestion to eat something bitter when you crave sweets. I haven't heard that but it's good to know. Thanks for sharing.

Rose said...

I did not know that eating something bitter would take away the craving for something sweet. That is good to know.

Conniecrafter said...

I have been doing a little more carbs at a few parties I have gone to, but tried to keep it at a minimum

Jeanie said...

After three days of baking, Ii really need this post! Right now I'm on a med where I can't have any of the foods I really do most when watching carbs -- cheese, smoked meats, especially. It's super frustrating!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

You’ve provided such great suggestions and advice, Jan. I hope you’re doing well as I know this must be so hard this first year without your beloved. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I suspect that most people would notice the difference between mashed potatoes and mashed cauliflower.

Teresa said...

Todo me parece muy interesante, en estas fiestas nos pasamos bastante de lo normal y hay que controlar las comidas. Besos.