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Friday, 24 January 2025

Three Gut-Friendly Habits You May Wish To Consider This Year

Sharing words from an article by Laurentine ten Bosch

'The state of your gut health can and will influence the health of your entire body. It does this by influencing digestion as well as playing an essential role in the gut-brain axis. Through these two avenues, your gut health can impair almost every element of your body. With that in mind, here are the top 3 gut-friendly habits to focus on/consider this year:

1. Focus On Gut-Friendly Nutrition
Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life, and it couldn’t be more true when it comes to supporting gut health. Your digestive system is the first port of call for any foods you eat; it’s where nutrients are absorbed and wastes are discarded, so where possible, you always want to be able to fill your diet with gut-friendly foods.

Foods you should definitely look to include are:
  • Probiotics; kimchi, kombucha, miso, and organic tempeh.
  • Prebiotics; apples, sauerkraut, asparagus, garlic, onion, leafy greens, and artichokes.
  • Antioxidants; berries, salmon, spinach, red bell peppers, dark chocolate, and turmeric.

2. Get Daily Exercise

You probably know that 20 minutes of daily exercise is needed for your fitness, but were you aware that you need it for gut health too? The truth is, your digestive system is made to move. Moving your body and exerting your energy stores helps to replenish the cycle, rather than letting everything get stale inside you. It’s always best to think of it as a free-flowing river; you want your body to be in the current, not in a murky pool to the side (as comfortable as that might be). And here’s where you get to have fun! Make your daily exercise something you enjoy! A walk with your dog (if you have one), a swim, perhaps a dance class with friends or even dancing in front of your bedroom mirror - just remember that any movement you can do is good!

3. Reduce Overall Stress Levels
Stress, now that’s a big one. In our modern world, people are collectively more stressed than ever before, and it’s a different kind of stress. It’s chronic, so much so that the World Health Organization has previously called it the epidemic of the 21st Century (this was a couple of years ago, of course). Stress doesn’t just impact your mind - it influences your entire body - especially your gut health. The two are so interconnected, limiting stress may support healthy digestion, promote regularity, and ease bloat.

These three steps may seem small and simple, but stick to them this year and watch the changes unfold in your life...'
Words above from article here

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Please note
Articles / studies within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your Doctor/local health care provider.

If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account, and if you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...'s best to avoid problems.

olgica said...

Grazie per questo post.Buon weekend.

Mari said...

Good tips. I know the exercise one really does make a difference!

Dianna said...

Wow, much good information here. Thank you. I'm copying down the foods that are good for the gut. said...

Good advice.

Giorgio said...

As you mentioned, stress doesn't impact just our mind. Unfortunately, we always run nowadays. Not to mention of what excessive use of mobile phone do to our mind.
You also wrote an interesting point about exerting our energy stores.
Thank you for sharing information about food we have to include in our diet.
That's a great post, Jan

Take care!

Christine said...

Good tips!

Fun60 said...

Sensible advice which i will try to adhere to this year but I can't lie, waiting to exchange contracts to move house has sent my stress levels rocketing

roentare said...

I think the only thing I am lacking now is to get more exercises going

HappyK said...

All sounds good to me.

Lorrie said...

Prevention is the best cure.

My name is Erika. said...

That doesn't surprise me about moving and gut health. I can't wait for it to warm up a bit so I can get out walking again. Have a super weekend Jan.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por el consejo. Te mando un beso.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

most people seem to take better care of their car than they do of themselves. maybe an annual health MOT as we are required by law to do for our vehicles would help the situation?
Hope you are still where you are supposed to be and not blown away into the next county! Eowyn was a corker of a storm. Be safe! Debbie

Margaret D said...

Interesting read, Jan.

Katerinas Blog said...

Prevention always saves!
Your suggestions are the best.
Thank you!!

jabblog said...

All excellent advice. I fall down on exercise at the moment!

Norma2 said...

We must take care of our intestine. Jan, you've already read my post, but I wish your commenters would read mine on the subject here:

eileeninmd said...

Great advice and it is good that I like almost all of these items.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Jeanie said...

The first two seem pretty easy. The stress thing? Well, pretty tough if you live here in the states.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

I should always pay more attention to this diet. Thanks for reminding me!
Have a happy weekend, hugs Elke

Ananka said...

Stress isn't good for anything! I take a lot of Miso with Tofu :-D

Shari Burke said...

Very useful information. Thank you.

Mary Kirkland said...

Those are all good tips. Avoiding stress is the trickiest one because stress comes from things we have to deal with all the time.

The Furry Gnome said...

My wife is all about 'gut-friendly nutrition.

Bill said...

Good suggestions!

Kim said...

I try very hard to do these three things. I don't always succeed in the nutrition area.

carol l mckenna said...

Great suggestions for a healthy gut ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Exlores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Teresa said...

Cumplo bastantes de ellos. Besos.

Conniecrafter said...

Wouldn't it be nice if stress was as easy to deal with as eating the right foods, but I know that it has to mess with you, can't imagine what the people have to deal with in these countries at war.

William Kendall said...

Stress is a big one.