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Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Independent Diabetes trust.

I have one keen sense of smell and my nose is twitching. Another shill outfit ? Time will tell !



graham64 said...

Checked out their diabetes everyday eating menu PDF and surprise surprise the eatwell plate is the first illustration. Now we all know what that means don't we Lowfat and high in carbs!

What really caught my eye though is the dietary advice for when your feeling unwell;

All the items below are included in the menu plan:

"• Plain toast or biscuits may help if you are feeling nauseous.
• Comfort foods are easy to eat and may be appealing. Foods like porridge, soups, shepherds pie,
mashed potatoes, fish or eggs in various ways on toast may be tempting if you are ill.
• Desserts like ice cream, tinned fruit in juice, low sugar custards, yoghurts, jellies and fromage frais are all also easy to eat."

Anonymous said...

When I've been ill my BGs always shoot up, the foods they mention would only make matters worse.
