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Friday 15 December 2017

A Santa Dash ... and a bowl of warming Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

At this time of year you will see and hear about many Santa Dash Fun Events. Yes you can "leave the sleigh at home and take part in a 3k fun run, walk, hop, skip or jump – whatever you fancy! All we want this Christmas is for you to help create a sea of Santa’s, all running or walking for Oakhaven Hospice and raising much-needed funds so our specialist services can continue across the community."

These two Santa's AKA Grandson and his Dad almost ready for the off!

There were over 1000 Santa's of all different shapes, sizes and ages waiting to take part in the Charity Santa Dash
Brrr it was chilly - Grandson with Mum and Dad waiting for the off !

A little later with the Dash completed and back home ...
a bowl of warming roast red pepper and tomato soup was being enjoyed

A delicious warming soup stacked with vitamins & minerals.

Serves Four
3 Deep red peppers, halved & de-seeded.
1 White onion, unpeeled & halved.
4 Cloves of garlic, unpeeled.
2 Sticks of celery, sliced & chopped.
500g Plum tomatoes.
450ml Vegetable stock.
2tbsp Olive oil.
2tbsp Tomato puree.
1tbsp Sundried tomato paste.
1tsp Flaked chilli.
25g Butter.
Salt & coarsely ground black pepper

1. Pre heat oven to 190/gas mark 4. Place the pepper & onion halves (cut side down) along with the plum tomatoes & garlic cloves into a baking tray & drizzle with the olive oil. Bake at the top of your oven for 30 minutes or until the vegetables are roasted & tender.
2. Meanwhile melt down the butter in a large pan over a medium heat and sauté the chopped celery for 4-5 minutes. Not too hot, don't burn the butter.
3. Make up the vegetable stock adding the tomato puree, sun-dried tomato paste & the chilli flakes. Mix well and then add to the sautéed celery. Remove from the heat.
4. When the baked vegetables are ready remove the peel from the onion & garlic cloves roughly chop them & add them to the pan along with the plum tomatoes. Place back on to a low to medium heat & using a hand blender blend until the soup is smooth.
5. Season to taste & gently simmer until the soup is at a comfortable edible temperature. Do not allow the soup to boil.

I certainly hope you may enjoy this recipe idea. You will find many recipe suggestions are within this blog, but not all recipes will suit all. Any food allergies, or underlying health issues must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

The above recipe idea from here

All the best Jan


William Kendall said...

That's a lot of Santas!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures. I'm sure the soup was most warming and welcome.


Valerie-Jael said...

What a wonderful event and a great recipe to go with it. Hugs, Valerie

Martha said...

What a great event!

Bob Bushell said...

There is a fancy soup, pure and simple, just keep on Jan.

Elephant's Child said...

Great fun, and a great cause.

Sue (this n that) said...

Oh good for them! They all look charming in their santa suits too.
Love the soup, thanks Jan :D)

Carol Blackburn said...

What a wonderful sight it must have been to see all those Santas working together for such as good cause....hmmm, Santa Cause?

Out on the prairie said...

it is recipes like this that make me miss the garden. Sounds real good

Tom said...

...what a great idea, I've never heard of a Santa Dash before.

Christine said...

yummy soup well deserved!

carol l mckenna said...

Looks and sounds very comforting ~ tomato soup ~ Love the Santa photos! Fun!

Happy Weekend,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Wow! A whole sea of Santas! That must have been quite a sight to see. And for such a good cause, too.

It's definitely homemade soup weather, and that tomato soup sounds yummy. With a grilled cheese sandwich on the side... :)

Margaret D said...

Santa's helpers and he needs a lot of them.

roughterrain crane said...

This event must be a big fun.

baili said...

wow such santa dash sound really exciting!

wonderful photos with delightful face :)

thank you for the great recipe ,warm soup is basic blessing of the season

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Your soup here looks just the thing to perk up dashing Santa's Jan ☺ Was interesting to read about the skin on versus skin off with veg and fruit a few posts back, most I knew but confess to peeling cucumbers and zucchini, I won't from now on.

RO said...

What a fun and wonderful way to raise money for a worthy cause. That soup looks very inviting too! Hugs...RO

DMS said...

The dash looks fun- though chilly. I love the sound of the soup. YUM!!


The Happy Whisk said...

Whoa! That's a lot of Santas !!!! Fun.

Magic Love Crow said...

Such a fun post! Great cause! Thanks for the yummy recipe! Big Hugs!

Conniecrafter said...

How fun that run must be, so neat to see so many santas together :)
I have never had homemade tomato soup, thanks for sharing!