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Friday 15 December 2017

Breakfast Casserole : Bacon and Mushroom : LCHF

With another weekend almost here, and many of us still needing to do some Christmas preparations, why not make life a little easier! This breakfast casserole is quite easy to do and packed with protein will help give you a good start to the day ... you'll see your energy levels will last that bit longer ... and before you know it, you'll have got through your chores and be sitting, relaxing with a nice cuppa ...
Doesn't that just make sense!

Serves Four
6g carbs per serving

6 oz. / 175g mushrooms
10 oz. / 275g bacon
2 oz. / 50g butter
8 eggs
1 cup / 225ml heavy (double) whipping cream
5 oz. / 150g shredded (grated) cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon onion powder
salt and pepper

Please see preparation/cooking instructions at Diet Doctor site here

... enjoy your day

do make time for a cuppa ...

All the best Jan


Jo said...

That looks right up my street, yum.

Tom said...

...looks yummy!

Valerie-Jael said...

I love the thought of this! Hugs, Valerie

eileeninmd said...

Hello, looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

HappyK said...

Now that looks like a good breakfast to start the day.

Christine said...

This would be perfect with my coffee right now for breakfast!

only slightly confused said...

You had me at 'bacon' lol.

William Kendall said...

Sounds delicious!

Elephant's Child said...

A breakfast casserole is a new thought for me. I do love my tea though.

Carol Blackburn said...

Just wondering - does it come out soggy? Because I can't do soggy eggs. I tired a Quiche a few weeks ago but it was "slimy" feeling. It tasted ok but I didn't care for the texture of the eggs.

Lowcarb team member said...

Carol Blackburn asked:
"Just wondering - does it come out soggy? Because I can't do soggy eggs. I tired a Quiche a few weeks ago but it was "slimy" feeling. It tasted ok but I didn't care for the texture of the eggs."

Hi Carol
It usually cooks slightly firmer than a quiche - I can only suggest you give it a try and see.

Many thanks for your comment, and my good wishes to you and yours for a good weekend.

All the best Jan

carol l mckenna said...

Love the sounds and looks of this recipe ~ yummy!

Happy Weekend,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Iris Flavia said...

That sounds very yummy!

JFM said...

Truly tempting meal...looks delicious!!!

Thank you once again Jan~

DMS said...

This sounds very tasty. I will have to make it without the bacon, since I am a vegetarian. I have never made anything like this- but I do love having something warm for breakfast. :)

Magic Love Crow said...

My mouth is seriously watering! LOL!