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Sunday 5 March 2023

'Short activity breaks are helpful to improve your health'

Sharing an article from Dr Katharine Morrison seen on Diabetes Diet blog

"Get up for at least 5 minutes every 30 minutes at work

Adapted from Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Jan 12 2023

Short, regular breaks from sitting down at work and at home can improve your blood sugar and blood pressure.

Researchers from Columbia University in New York tested middle aged and older adults using various sitting/gentle walking protocols for eight hours a day. Even very short breaks of a minute improved blood pressure but to reduce blood sugars as well, you need a break of five minutes every 30 minutes.

These short activity breaks are helpful to improve your health and should be done in addition to a daily activity/exercise regime.

Dr Morrisons comment: You will need to plan how to do this in most work and home situations. You could make a point of taking the stairs, walking around while taking phone calls, getting out for a short walk at lunch time, going to see people in person rather than phoning them, and doing exercises during commercial breaks in front of the television. Every little helps."

Related Posts
Is Sitting Too Much Bad for Your Health? - read it here
'Exercise for Better Health' - read it here

image from google

On a personal note, it sometimes is too easy to sit too long at a computer screen blogging!!!
I do make the effort to get up every now and again and move around, take a short walk etc.
Do please share your thoughts on this article in the comment section below.

All the best Jan 


Catarina said...

This a good reminder.
Thank you!

Tom said...

...I walk for 10 minutes for three times a day.

Creations By Cindy said...

Yes indeed we must get up often and walk around, move those legs! Mercy, If I sit too long my back hurts. LOL! My doctor told me once, Just keep moving Mrs. Cindy! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

HappyK said...

I'm not one for sitting long!! :)

William Kendall said...

I try to get up from my desk as much as possible.

Kay said...

Oh goodness! I need to get up right now and walk around the house. Sheesh! Thank you for the warning (I mean advice.) :-)

ashok said...

Good useful post

J.P. Alexander said...

Es una buena recomendación . Te mando un beso.

Christine said...

Good advice thanks.

My name is Erika. said...

That makes sense since we evolved moving. Plus it keeps you from getting too stiff too. Happy new week.

Practical Parsimony said...

I sit too much, but walking hurts my back. I can do a bit better and have been working on it.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

I've been doing this for years, always getting up and moving, whether at home or elsewhere, always does me good. What seems restless always laughs but my darling has gotten used to it. I have to go up the stairs every day to the 2nd floor and I do that several times a day, for the waste and everything individually and to get mail.
That's a great post today, thank you!
Happy week!
Greetings Elke

Donna said...

I can't sit for very long...a brisk walk usually helps!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I set to much.
Coffeeis on and stay safe

Pam said...

Good suggestion....I need to get up every 30 mins here at home and move. Crap, I just need to move more.

Valerie-Jael said...

Good advice, thanks! Have a great week, Valerie

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan :=)

This is good advise, which I will do from now on.
All the best

Susan Kane said...

I cannot stay sitting very long, either. I am always popping up to get clothes out of the dryer, or loading the dishwasher.

linda said...

It's so easy to sit too long when you are crafting or sitting at the computer I have moved my computer to the kitchen and now I have to stand while I'm using it, I'm hoping that will make a difference.

Bill said...

I always try to remember to take a walk sometime during the day.

Hena Tayeb said...

Good information. This week I just started the goal of getting up and walking around more.. trying to hit those 10000 steps everyday.

Mary Kirkland said...

That's good advice.

Anonymous said...

Giorgio said...
I was interest in your info about modern society which is designed for sitting.
Have a nice week :-)

Conniecrafter said...

That is so easy for me to do during the day but in the evenings my cat loves to cuddle up on my lap and as he lays snoring away it is hard for me to wake him up so I can move around but I know I need too!

Jeanie said...

I agree with that. And it's harder to do than one thinks, when you get so deeply involved with a project! But it is essential!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Great Advice!

I notice when sitting on a wood chair, my legs ached more. I read pressure on my legs impacts circulation, swollen ankles, aches. Moving around regularly helps.

Snowbird said...

Yes, a good reminder to move more often. I can sit for hours, especially in

Teresa said...

Me parece muy interesante. Besos.

Divers and Sundry said...

My fitness watch will remind me to get up and move around every hour... when I remember to wear it ;) Generally I move around like that anyway and try to have one 30-minute cardio period every day.