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Thursday 25 February 2021

Thursday Thoughts

 Life Is For Living ... Thursday Thoughts

I wrote this post back in 2015, but somehow the words still seem appropriate.

Yes, it's Thursday already and I hope that the week so far has been a good one for you. With many parts of our globe in 'turmoil' sometimes I think we just need to take time out and reflect... I often do this with poetry. Some do not like poetry, whereas others always enjoy reading it. Our youngest when studying English could write a great poem, and still does from time to time! Should a poem rhyme or not? It's up to the author to decide.

I read this poem recently and quite enjoyed it - I'll share it with you here. 

"Life Is For Living"

Life is a gift we're given each and every day. 
Dream about tomorrow, but live for today. 
To live a little, you've got to love a whole lot. 
Love turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. 
Life's a journey always worth taking. 
Take time to smell the roses... and tulips... 
and daffodils... and lilacs... and sunflowers... 

Count blessings like children count stars. 
The secret of a happy life isn't buried in a 
treasure chest... it lies within your heart. 
It's the little moments that make life big. 

Don't wait. Make memories today. 
Celebrate your life!

I know many may feel that with Covid restrictions life is so different, and of course it is. Visits with loved ones not possible, holidays not possible, many shops shut, the list of what we cannot do could be longer but there are still many things we can do to make a nice memory, it is so often the little things, the little moments that make life big. I hope your Thursday will be a good day, I'm planning on walking ... but I may need an umbrella! Have you any plans?

I hope you like the flowers

All the best Jan


My name is Erika. said...

That is a great poem, and such a good reminder of what's important in these times with many people getting restless. And I LOVE the flowers. Thanks for sharing them with us.

J.P. Alexander said...

Hermoso poema y tiene razón. Te mando un beso

Tom said... each day as though it may be your last.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you Jan, for this beautiful, meaningful post! Such inspiring, beautiful words! Thank you!! Big Hugs!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

We should make happy memories today to sustain us in our tomorrows when life may be difficult.

Wishing you great happiness always.

God bless.

Gloria Baker said...

Beautiful flowers Jan!! hugs

Christine said...

Lovely uplifting poem thank you.

JFM said...

This was beautiful!
I do not think poems have to rhyme.
I enjoy reading poetry short and long.
I feel that many thoughts are just another form of poetry

Wonderful post Jan ❤

Martha said...

Beautiful! I've been trying to love in that mindset over this past year. It gets difficult at time but we have to treasure what we have instead of focusing on what we don't.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you - for both the poem and the flowers.

Angie said...

Jan - thank you so much for the inspiring and helpful sentiments. I am with you - we can choose our attitude - like the old saying "make lemonade out of lemons"!

Linda said...

Good thoughts. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

mamasmercantile said...

Beautiful poem and stunning flowers makes for a LOVELY POST.

Sussi said...

Lovely post!

DUTA said...

Wise words! Life is a gift to be cherished, life is a journey worth taking!
Poetry or not, I like rhyming; it sounds more festive. I try it sometimes. Nowadays there are books that help with finding the right rhyme, and that makes it easier.

Teresa said...

Precioso el ramo de flores. Besos.

Flowermouse Design ❀ Lone said...

Thank you dear Jan🥰 So beautiful about living in the present. That is really the only time we have. The flowers are gorgeous💐 All the best to you❤️

Valerie-Jael said...

Great poem and beautiful flowers, Valerie

Jeanie said...

This is such an uplifting post and a wonderful reminder that we live life every day. How we live it is up to us, but it's so much nicer when we find and grab onto whatever we can to make it all the better. A walk, a lovely meal, flowers, time to enjoy a good book or do a creative venture... it helps make up for being separated. I had good news -- Rick had a negative Covid test and we're both nearing the end of our waiting period after the second vaccine. But there are many things that won't change for awhile. So making the best of all is what we must do and this is a terrific reminder.

Thank you, Jan.

pam nash said...

Lovely flowers. Yes, Covid is a frustrating and scary thing. A we'll probably have to deal/live with it for a long while yet. But, holidays still happen and there are many ways to continue to celebrate with friends and loved ones that don't include hugs and kisses.

William Kendall said...

Well said.

Bill said...

A wonderful poem, it says it all!

Breathtaking said...

Hello, I love the flowers, poem, and the wise words. We should make the most of each day even in lock-down. I write poetry( try anyway) and I like to rhyme each line, it just sounds better to me. Thank you for this uplifting post.

linda said...

The flowers are beautiful and so are the words.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovley poem and thoughts
Fresh flowers this year, and birds have been good sources of comfort.

HappyK said...

That is a wonderful poem and so true!!!
Plans today - of course walking and this evening David and Liz are coming over for game night! Happy day to you.

DVArtist said...

This is very nice and I love the flowers.

Carla from The River said...

This was just what I needed today. Thank you! We just survived a cold blast of weather. It got to negative 30 degrees F for us. Oh goodness, it was cold and no fun.
The sunshine is warming and thawing us from that stretch of cold. I am so happy for that.
Thank you again for the lovely poem.

Lorrie said...

A poem most apt for our time. Each moment of life is a precious gift. Today I am caring for a couple of small grandchildren - allowed under our restrictions. They are napping just now and I'm enjoying a welcome bit of quiet. The flowers are gorgeous.

Mary Kirkland said...

I like that. The flowers are gorgeous.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely poetry and so mindful of what life is ~ Gorgeous flower shot ~ Hope you had a good walk in the rain ~ Happy weekend to you ~ ^_^

Living moment by moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

R's Rue said...


Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you everyone for your lovely thoughts and comments.
Thursday was a lovely day and in the end we didn't need our umbrella's :)

Enjoy the rest of today and have a happy Friday.

All the best Jan

Conniecrafter said...

I agree that right now we have a lot of restrictions on us but we have to make the most out of each and every day and make our new normal, not concentrate on what can not be but what we can do to make the day special!

Ananka said...

Great words :-D

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Lovely poem and beautiful flowers.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

I love flowers! this bouquet is lovely!
Hugs and greetings.

Susan Zarzycki said...

I so enjoyed this post!💖

DVArtist said...

Very pretty.

Hilly Nicolay said...

What a beautiful poem!
Living with the coronavirus is not easy.
I'm just trying to make the best of it.
Time, life goes so fast ...

Stay healthy and enjoy spring.