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Saturday 12 August 2017

Is that the Incredible Hulk I see ?

Is that the Incredible Hulk I see ?
Well yes, and a wonderful Grandson having fun ...

Oh dear it's started to rain !
Never mind lets have fun in the arcade for a while - come on sis'
Don't you just love the concentration on their faces ...

Happy Weekend to all ...
All the best Jan


Catarina said...

Have a great weekend!!!

Beautiful grandchildren!

: )

William Kendall said...

It sounds like that's fun for all of you!

Mary Kirkland said...

Aww great pictures. Have a great weekend.

Jules said...

Great to see them having fun. X

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your grandson is handsome. It does look like a fun arcade. Enjoy your day and weekend!

Carol Blackburn said...

Cool to spend time with the grandkids. Ours are grown but we often sit and recall funny things they said or did and can crack ourselves up for hours. Make memories. Have a great weekend.

HappyK said...

I remember my son playing that when he was little many years ago!! : )

Blogoratti said...

Family is indeed everything. Heartwarming photos!

Valerie-Jael said...

What fun photos! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

Lisabella Russo said...

Awww, that's really sweet. It looks like they're having so much fun.

Elephant's Child said...

He is definitely engrossed.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Our photos said...

Wonderful !

Christine said...

Happy weekend Jan, he's so cute!

Tom said...

...aren't grandkids GREAT!

Martha said...

Adorable! Happy weekend to all of you!

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Looks like they were having plenty of fun and I'm sure you had fun being with them xx

Adam said...

arcades are always fun

Linda said...

Cute! Fun pictures.

Lisa said...

Love the top photo!
Lisa x

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Great pictures Jan! Hope you had a great weekend! Big Hugs!