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Wednesday 3 October 2018

Kavanaugh Blasey Ford debacle goes to DEFCON 1

Thanks for the comments on my post regarding the soap opera of the century. It now appears the 'swamp' is much deeper than we thought. If the latest revelations turn out to be true, Blasey Ford is toast and Kavanaugh will be elevated to the SCOTUS. Eddie

"The ex-boyfriend of one of the women accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has suggested to the Senate Judiciary Committee that she may have perjured herself on several issues during her testimony."


Tom said...

...the swamp is being drained and replaced by a cesspool.

mxtodis123 said...

I am so disgusted. This turns my stomach.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Gee, no surprise there! ha ha ha ... as you stated in your previous post, it is a "sh*t show" alright!!

Debbie said...

no comment...but tom's comment is pretty darn good!!!

Catarina said...

Politics is a very dirty business. The new piece about Trump's wealth in The New York Times is something else. The man is an embarrassment for most of the Americans, he is a laughing stock at an international level. How his base is still with him is beyond me.the man has no class...

DIMI said...

It’s difficult to say something that I’m not aware of!
Enjoy your day!

JFM said...

Politics raise my blood pressure!!!

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, sem politicos não existe democracia, no entanto, existe alguns vergonhosos.
Continuação de feliz semana,

only slightly confused said...

Amazing what crawls out of the woodwork during this fiascoes.

Out on the prairie said...

Silly stuff, the opposition already has bought a URL site for the next candidate. What does that prove?

Chris Lally said...

Stefan Molyneaux says it all in his concluding comments.
And so the plot thickens - I mean sickens.

Tom said...

...Eddie, you may enjoy this!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Our news keeps getting worse and worse. So my husband and I view it as entertainment. The comedians and late night shows are having quite a bit of fun with it!