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Monday 25 June 2018

Doctor Admits KETO is Worst Diet in the world



Anonymous said...

Ninja Level Sarcasm!


only slightly confused said...

Oh my.....if he wasn't in trouble before he is now.

DeniseinVA said...

Now that is very interesting!

Margaret D said...

oh gosh

Valerie-Jael said...

This was fun! Hugs, Valerie

RO said...

This is pretty interesting and a surprise. You always share the best stuff! Hugs...RO

Anonymous said...

Phew, for one horrible moment I thought this was serious,
Keto Warrior Carole

Bill said...

Very interesting video. My wife has a friend who is one this diet and she's not doing well health wise.

Margie from Toronto said...

I can understand his need for sarcasm!
A friend and I have been following LCHF for about 2 months now (both because of doctor's orders by the way) - I feel great, clothes are getting loose and I'm not hungry - already dropped one BP med.
I spoke with her yesterday and she had just got some bloodwork results - her cholesterol levels are now normal and she hopes to be off statins as soon as her doctor returns from vacation and her diabetes readings are now down to the pre-diabetic range and she hopes to start reducing those meds shortly as well. Her bloodwork also showed that she had ketones so definitely burning fat!
Yes, we have the occasional carb - not going to lie - but we stick with this plan about 90% of the time and it works!

Magic Love Crow said...

Very interesting!!!