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Sunday, 18 January 2015

DCUK Business as usual ! Anna the banner and Cherub the chopper at it again yesterday.

Keep sending the screen shots in folks, this is the blog to expose the flog. Eddie


douglas99 said...

Eddie, get out more, honestly. There is more to life.
(or maybe you can't?)

Am I right, or am I right.

Lowcarb team member said...

Duggie I do need to get out more, but I find it riveting watching you and your bent sidekick mods exposing yourselves with ever more dishonesty and buffoonery.

How desperate the antis must be to have made you their poster boy. What do those sad old warriors Anna and the Cherub see in you?


douglas99 said...

as least you admit you're sitting there, hopelessly following a forum that has some activity. If you can move on now, admit yours crashed and burnt, maybe you'll manage to make something of the rest of your sad life?

(joking, we know you never will)

Am I right, or am I right.

Lowcarb team member said...

"yours crashed and burnt"

You are demented lad. Check out the deranged Kenny boys ABC diabetes forum, only 1400 posts in over three years, and whatever happened to the obese blogger Carbo's forum?

Our blogs and forums have received over 2 million page views. May I make a recommendation? get of the drugs and start eating whole fresh food, before it is too late.

BTW the excessive trawling for porn and masturbation is doing your head in.

Am I right, or am I right!


AMBreadvan said...

Duggie aka Gezza aka Jona aka Kenny boy 4 is the floooor!