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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Why The World Needs More People Like Prof Tim Noakes

A Note from a Nutritionist: Emily Maguire

Dear Prof Noakes,

One year ago I set off on a trip that would see me travel to several countries around the world. The goal- to meet, shadow and mentor off several people in the world of low carbohydrate nutrition.

I really could not have started the trip in any better way than to head to Cape Town where the First International Low Carbohydrate Summit was being held.

I had been interested in the world of LCHF for a few years when Professor Noakes began speaking out about his experience, both professionally and personally with LCHF. The one thing that I was coming to learn is that it would be one thing to talk about this from a personal experience, but a whole other thing to look at it professionally.

For Professor Noakes to stand up and say that he had gotten it wrong and to change his stance on the science that he once held to be true, was not only admirable but also extremely courageous.

There are certainly several people out there that although they do agree with the science for the LCHF approach, they will publically not declare this. Why? Because to go against the grain (pun intended), means to stand out from the crowd, to go against everything that you were taught and held to be true. Ultimately it is about taking a huge risk.

I’m not using this letter to get into the ins and outs of exactly what went on to lead to this point, I will leave this up to the court. What I am using this letter for is to say thank you. Thank you to Professor Noakes for taking the risk and going against the grain when you really could have just walked away from this. But my thanks also lie with your family and your wife for letting you take this on. They say that behind every great man is a great woman and having the brief pleasure of meeting Marilyn, I know this to be true.

We know that in the world of science and nutrition it can never be declared as black or white and is constantly evolving. This should not be seen or treated as an evangelic case. What Professor Noakes has done and continues to do is simply follow the science. That for me is what is at the heart of the matter and one I would encourage everyone to keep in mind. Follow the science, wherever that may lead us.

Keep smiling Prof

All my thanks




Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and heartfelt letter, which echoes the innermost thoughts and feelings of so many around the world.

Professor Noakes is much more than an inspiration. Having witnessed so much controversy in the field of dietetics, I was devastated to learn that Professor Noakes, an emeritus Professor of the highest level, had been reported by the president of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa. At first I felt stunned, then sickened and sadness.

The field of nutritional science cannot be monopolised worldwide by one organisation. In my experience, anyone who is not dietetic trained should not dare breath, let alone think about nutrition. Even branded by slogans such as 'only being able to trust one organisation to know about nutrition'. The entire world is becoming increasingly fed up with this egotistical standpoint. The case concerning Professor Noakes has angered many professionals worldwide, but it has brought us together, made us stronger, united and exposed the truth. Just watching the Professor Noakes and Marthie Leach televised debate was extremely uncomfortable viewing but extremely revealing.

We have taught high carbohydrate, low fat for decades. Where has it brought Us? I have taught high carbohydrate, low fat for many years. We are only trained to believe and promote what those leading the training believe. Most do not take a step further and question the underlying principles of what they have been taught. And when you believe and are constantly reminded that you are the only experts in your field, why would you think to question anything?

It is only those that have reached a higher level of thinking, that are open thinking, extremely humble, respectful of others knowledge and experiences, and those who truly - and I mean truly care, that can stand up and admit we got it wrong. That is what will shape the future. Emily's letter has really captured the thoughts and feelings of so many.

Professor Noakes is an inspiration to us all.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment, I will be quoting it in a blog post at the weekend. Tim Noakes is being put through the mangle, but people all over the world are behind him, and he exposing the truth behind the corruption and greed of junk food and big pharma.

Regards Eddie

Anonymous said...

It's not too late to do another u-turn proff Noakes and denounce your own dogmatic baby feeding advice.

Anonymous said...

Your Welcome Eddie - Emily's letter really did touch the hearts of many. We do feel an incredible sense of injustice in the case of Professor Noakes, who has dedicated his life to medicine, nutritional science, research, lecturing, teaching; a whole lifetime of outstanding academic achievements. I have been particularly saddened by this case; however it echoes my innermost feelings regarding all my experiences in the field, and along with others across the world, we will continue to support Professor Noakes against an incredible display of self-serving injustice.

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
It's not too late to do another u-turn proff Noakes and denounce your own dogmatic baby feeding advice.

Your living on fantasy island pal, the likelihood of Prof Noakes doing a u-turn and promoting a diet of cereals and other starch for babies weaning is zilch


chris c said...

Even if he is found guilty, the resulting publicity will raise questions in the minds of all but the terminally clueless. Yes of course it would be better if the trial collapsed like that of Annika Dhalqvist in Sweden and policy was changed, but that didn't stop dieticians elsewhere from making themselves look even more mendacious and malicious - see Jennifer Elliott in Australia and recent pronouncements from New Zealand, two more countries vying to beat the US to the top spot in the obesity olympics.