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Tuesday 25 September 2012

My ugly mug !

Just so people cannot  say I am an anonymous person hiding in the shadows.
 My name is Eddie Mitchell and I can be contacted at the contact page at I am more than happy to meet anyone any time.



Anonymous said...

Your no oil painting Eddie but you hide from no one.

fibreclaireUK said...

Coo-Eeeee (waves)

Lowcarb team member said...

I hope you are having a good rest and holiday Claire.

Eddie x

John said...

Both Ray and I agree. You are NOT our long lost triplet!

Lowcarb team member said...

I've met Eddie many times, looking at this photo would suggest air brushing!

I ain't no oil painting but compared to Eddie !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Narcissism and self deception are survival mechanisms.

Anonymous said...

You and the team do your best to help others with a great mix of interesting articles, news, recipes and great cartoons. You leave yourself open to good, bad, amusing ridiculing and in some cases unusual comments.

The great thing is " you hide from no one. "

This cannot be said by quite a few out there.

I for one appreciate all you try to do, keep up the good work


Anonymous said...

"Narcissism and self deception are survival mechanisms."

True! you only need to look at DCUK for examples like jopar, phoenix and noblehead.


Anonymous said...

What is it with low carbers that they like themselves so much that they have to put their mugshots up? I expect their mums love them but that is about it. Their wives need medals for tolerating their vanity.

Lowcarb team member said...

"What is it with low carbers that they like themselves so much that they have to put their mugshots up? I expect their mums love them but that is about it. Their wives need medals for tolerating their vanity."

Vanity, you should have seen me in the days when I worked in the adult movie business with Beantipper et al. If you ask me nicely I will email you a photo of me in my swimmers.



Lowcarb team member said...

"What is it with low carbers that they like themselves so much that they have to put their mugshots up? I expect their mums love them but that is about it. Their wives need medals for tolerating their vanity."

They like us have nothing to hide unlike the anonymous anti's who prefer to skulk in the shadows. Could it be they have a past, nasty serial cyber stalkers maybe.

What you got to hide anonymous?
