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Friday, 28 October 2016

Autumn Colours and Works of Art ... through the eyes of children

Do you remember seeing this from a previous post here

well now they have created some lovely colourful Autumnal trees
here's one

and here's another

works of art from two of the grandchildren

Autumn is such a good time to enjoy fun walks and picking up natures colourful bounty,
many a fun Autumn craft to be enjoyed - wouldn't you agree !

and if you think, that's strange Jan hasn't posted a recipe today

this low carb Provençal Chicken dish is nice, see it here

All the best Jan


Anonymous said...

Lovely work :)

Tom said...

Kids and art go together!

Debbie said...

love the children!!!!

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Wonderful - I remember doing stuff like that when I was at school. Seems like only yesterday - well, it was, of course...

Jo said...

Those are some fabulous autumnal pictures and a very tasty looking recipe too.

Barb said...

What innovative art work! I like seeing children be creative. Your dish and the one I made last night look similar but I omitted the chicken. (And my pan is red...)

TexWisGirl said...

that's adorable!

Anonymous said...

Love the art work. My sister's little granddaughter would love this!

Martha said...

Aw, that is so cute!

Kay said...

What a wonderful way to express their creativity in fall. Well done!

Conniecrafter said...

They did a terrific job with these!!

Lisa said...

I love seeing art work which the children have made. I miss those gluing and painting days!
Lisa x