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Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Happy Tuesday To You !

I suddenly had a thought ... it's the last day of January 2017 where did those other thirty days go to? Whatever this month has brought you - some ups - some downs - or somewhere in between ... just for a moment focus on something positive, perhaps something that made you smile...

I know this picture did, blogger friend Tom shared it on his blog here , did it make you smile too? 'Hours after his birth, this new-born foal was abandoned by his mother, so the farmer's family stepped in. One of the children put a large Teddy Bear called Buttons in the stall with Breeze.' .. so sweet isn't it!

Maybe you saw some lovely flowers - something like these - always a cheerful sight

Perhaps you tried out a new recipe, that tasted great - like this one here
Provençal Chicken

As we say farewell to January, and soon hello to February
However you spend this Tuesday - may it be a good one for you
... for sure there will not be another 31st January 2017 !

All the best Jan


Anonymous said...

Good food, colorful flower bouquet, and sweet foal....lovely pictures, Jan. Hard to believe Jan. is almost over. Have a great day.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Happy Tuesday to you! I love the teddy bear and foal. It is adorable. Pretty flowers.
January just flew by, it is hard to believe tomorrow is February. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

All such lovely pictures. Where did January go, it went so quickly.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

We were just discussing what we might have for dinner so I checked your site and I think we might just try that chicken provencale. It sure looks good in the picture. Now that January is almost a thing of the past - happy February!

Mac n' Janet said...

It was a mixed month for us, I was sick at the beginning, but feel really well now. Your chicken looks heavenly.

only slightly confused said...

Poor little baby.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post. I cannot believe it is almost February.

Christine said...

I LOVE this post Jan, thank you for today's smile.

Snowbird said...

Happy Tuesday to you too. Goodness, the month has flown, spring isn't too far away now!
I just loved that picture of the bear and foal....ahhhh. xxx

Tom said...

...smiling is my goal every day!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I remember the teddy on Tom's blog 😊 Hard to believe the first month of the new year is gone Jan, before you know it it'll be that time again! Happy February

JFM said...

A beautiful and touching post today Jan. Thank goodness for stuffed animals, flowers and chicken :)

Big Hugs and Happy Tuesday~

Kay said...

Time sure does fly. I can hardly believe it's already February time!

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh, that is such a sweet photo. Love it.

Lisabella Russo said...

What sweet images! This month definitely zoomed by...

Linda said...

I love chicken, Jan, and this looks really good!

DeniseinVA said...

Very sweet and very touching, and thank goodness for comforting teddy bears. It was a fast month wasn't it? Loved the look of that recipe.

Martha said...

Oh, I love that photo! So sweet.

Magic Love Crow said...

What a beautiful post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!

Lisa said...

How sweet is that foal picture!
Happy February to you too, hope it's a tasty and happy one.
Lisa x