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Monday, 9 January 2017

Making Monday Good - and LCHF !

"It's Monday.
Most people hate Mondays. Back to school, back to work, back to losing sleep.I don't particularly enjoy them either, but today is different. Today, I feel like this is the start of a new week. Last week was tough and all, but its all over now... Monday. We all want to curl back up under the covers in a cocoon of blankets. But Monday. All of last week's hardships are through. Gone. Over.
Today is" ... Monday, January 9th 2017.

"There will never be another. Ever.
Monday. It's only a bad day if you make it one."

These words above are by amt ... thank you.

I do like reading poems, and there are so many which cover all subjects and whether you are young or old, I'm sure there is a poem that you like?

I read the above poem on the 'Hello Poetry' site ... I just substituted today's date. But it is true there will only ever be one Monday 9th January 2017, and I do hope it will be a good one for you.

My day started with a LCHF breakfast, which looked remarkably like this, a simple herb omelette

and will end with a tasty Provençal Chicken dish

I may even buy some flowers similar to these

... can't be a bad Monday, can it ?

I do have a choice of LCHF snacks available should they be needed
slices of ham
some cheese
macadamia nuts
a few blueberries
Always best to be prepared!

Dear reader - I do hope this Monday, and coming week, will be a good one for you
All the best Jan


Tom said...

...any day that you are vertical is a good day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, sounds like a wonderful day with delicious meals. Flowers are always a cheery sight.
Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

only slightly confused said...

."As Dad would say, "Any day above ground is a good day." Fingers crossed that the week ahead is full of good things for you.

Mac n' Janet said...

Looks like a delicious way to begin and end the day. Still not much of a Monday fan though.

Christine said...

Thanks for this inspiring Monday post, the food and flowers are what I'm all about! Have that great day Jan!

Kezzie said...

Thank you Jan. It sounds utterly delicious!! Dinner at yours then? Mmmmm, I adore omelettes!!! Hope your week is enjoyable and thanks for the encouragement!

Louise said...

Hope you have a good week too!

Jan - just to say thanks for your kind comment on my Farewell 2016 post :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

that looks like a delicious omelette!

Martha said...

Lots of good eating over at your place. I bet your home smells wonderful!

Lisa said...

Hope you have a good week too.
Always good to be prepared with having handy snacks otherwise you tend to eat stuff you shouldn't!
Lisa x

Snowbird said...

Just LOVED this post. I shall NEVER hate Mondays

Magic Love Crow said...

Thanks Jan!!! Love this post!