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Friday, 6 August 2021

Just two Brazil Nuts a day !


James Colquhoun writes about the five health benefits of Brazil Nuts:

"We’ve been told for a long time that just two Brazil Nuts a day may be the answer to all of our health problems - and there’s some truth to the statement. For such an easy and delicious snack, Brazil Nuts have a lot to offer in health benefits.

My favourite part about Brazil Nuts isn’t the smooth, buttery texture or their versatility in cooking, but simply their impressive nutrient profile. Brazil Nuts not only offer good quality fats, some proteins, and a healthy amount of dietary fibre, they also offer essential minerals such as zinc, manganese, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, and of course, selenium. All of these incredible nutrients are directly linked to these five health benefits.

1. Brazil Nuts Are A Rich Source Of Selenium
Selenium is an essential micronutrient that our bodies need to survive. This mineral, which can only be obtained in foods and cannot be created in the body, is only needed in small amounts but it is vital for overall health and wellbeing. Selenium is used by the thyroid, as well as supporting the immune system and cell growth. Selenium actually helps the body make special proteins called antioxidant enzymes, that prevent cell damage and death.

2. Brazil Nuts Support Thyroid Function
The role of a healthy, thriving thyroid is one of the most important in our human anatomy, because the hormones produced by this gland are responsible for metabolism and homeostasis throughout the body. A slow, sluggish thyroid is often responsible for weight gain, constant fatigue, and countless other issues that stem from the condition, and until recently it has been thought that iodine was the only mineral needed. Yet the thyroid tissue has the highest concentration of selenium and this mineral is actually needed for T3 production - the active thyroid hormone!

Second to this initial mechanism, selenium is believed to help relieve some of the exhausting symptoms of thyroid disorders, including fatigue, weight gain, and feeling cold, alongside improving function and mood.

3. Brazil Nuts Are Good For The Brain
Not only does selenium's role as an antioxidant support thriving brain health, but Brazil nuts also have another compound that support cognitive function. Ellagic acid is a type of polyphenol that has shown to have both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the brain. Not only do these factors protect the brain cells from any damage or death, but studies have shown they can also have antidepressant effects on the brain.

4. Brazil Nuts May Reduce Inflammation
An inflammatory response is an entirely natural function, designed to help the body recover from acute trauma or injury. However prolonged or chronic inflammation can often lead to further chronic health concerns, and that’s when we need to start to look to anti-inflammatory measures to bring the body back to health. As mentioned, Brazil nuts contain widespread antioxidants, which fight free radicals in the body and have been shown to reduce inflammatory markers throughout the body, especially in regard to tumor necrosis factor. Yet these benefits are only observed while Brazil nuts are regularly eaten - so if there’s ever a case for a lifelong habit, let that be it.

5. Brazil Nuts Support Heart Health
Heart concerns are one of the primary causes of death globally, influenced by factors like obesity, diabetes, and other lifestyle habits that impair the heart’s function. Thankfully, Brazil nuts being the miracle workers they are, contain heart-healthy fatty acids and other micronutrients that have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. These benefits are easily and almost instantly observable through cholesterol levels in the body.

Brazil nuts are nutritional powerhouses, supporting the body throughout widespread stresses and nutrition concerns. Let this be the reason that you add an extra couple of Brazil nuts to your morning wellness routine."
Words above from here

Related Posts
Health Benefits of Nuts - read it here
Just A Handful Of Nuts May Help Keep Us From Packing On The Pounds As We Age - read it here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas within this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy. Please note, not all may be suitable for you.

If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


DUTA said...

I believe it's all true about the benefits. It's just that I'm not able to eat only two nuts, and so I immediately gain weight.

Mary Kirkland said...

I love nuts and seeds. Great snack.

William Kendall said...

I have never had them.

Tom said...

...I haven't had one in years.

Christine said...

I like them.

Practical Parsimony said...

And, of course, I am allergic to Brazil nuts. But, I have loved them since I was a child.

Lorrie said...

They sound like a powerhouse of nutrition. I do enjoy them, but it's hard to eat only 2.

J.P. Alexander said...

Adoro las nueces. Te mando un beso

Angie's Recipes said...

A favourite! Just had 5 today :-)

Angie said...

Jan - who knew that a nut I adore is so good for us? I feel even better about eating them now!

Alexander Strauffon said...

Good advice.

Kay said...

We buy mixed nuts that have Brazil nuts in them and I’ve always given them to my husband because they’re too big and I’m not a fan. However, you are now making me rethink this and I will try eating them again.

Margaret D said...

Good article and nuts are good.

Jo said...

I love brazil nuts, it's hard to keep to just two though.

Valerie-Jael said...

These are always really tasty. Thanks, have a great day, Valerie

linda said...

My favourite nut! although I have to admit I would find it hard to eat only two, especially when they are coated in chocolate.

eileeninmd said...


The health benefits are awesome, just 2 a day sounds reasonable.
Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

Thanks for this information, I usually take two nuts but from here from the area to the day, I understand it as a good antioxidant but the ones from Brazil I did not know.
Happy weekend.
Best regards.

Sue said...

Only two, that's just mean! Saying that they are very fatty, so many more than two wouldn't really agree with me. Take care and have a great weekend xx

Jeff said...

Looks like I need some more nuts in my life! While I do eat lots of peanuts (which are in the legume family) and almonds, pecans, and walnuts, I don't really eat Brazilian nuts. But as a kid, we also received mixed nuts in our Christmas stocking and they were my favorite.

Jeanie said...

I like them but I can never find them uncracked except in mixed nut packages!

Divers and Sundry said...

I eat walnuts and almonds every day. I should add Brazil nuts :) Thanks!

Teresa said...

Hace bastante que no las como, pero como ostros frutos secos como pistachos, almendras, avellanas, y otros más. Besos.

R's Rue said...

They’re my favorite nuts. Happy Friday.

Sandra Cox said...

Wow. Who'd a thought. I like Brazil nuts. I'm going to have to pick some up.

Rain said...

Jan...I adore Brazil nuts, thanks for the health reminders, they are going on my next month's shopping list!! :) said...

I like them and will be adding them to the shopping list.

CJ Kennedy said...

Never knew Brazil nuts were so good

HappyK said...

Didn't know all that. I like Brazil nuts too.

DVArtist said...

I didn't know that about Brazil nuts.

Conniecrafter said...

I don't see these nuts only around Christmas time, I will have to look out for them, my thyroid just hasn't been that great lately, and always can have stuff good for the brain :)

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, I´ll keep my eyes open for them!
If I got it right we call them Paranuss.

Debbie said...

some great information!! i have always known some of the great benefits of nuts!!!

Ananka said...

I love Brazils! I do like so many nuts though! Pecans and salted peanuts and red skin peanuts are my favourites!

My name is Erika. said...

I need to get some Brazil nuts I think. I haven't had any in ages. Thanks for sharing all these advantages of these nuts.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You have convinced me. I need to start eating 2 Brazil nuts everyday and I do like them. thanks great post