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Monday 23 August 2021

Some Foods That Help Beat Fatigue

Sharing this article from Healthline site

Your body runs off what you feed it. The best way to get the most energy from your food is to make sure you’re giving yourself the best food possible.

Besides what you eat, when you eat can also impact your energy. Did you ever notice how you feel sluggish after a big lunch or dinner? That’s because your body is using its energy to digest that big meal instead of powering the rest of your body.

The easiest way to avoid the post-meal coma is to eat several smaller-portioned meals throughout the day. This will keep your body fuelled regularly and may even help you lose weight.

Unprocessed foods
While a cheeseburger and fries might be comforting while you’re eating it, it’s nutritional value is low. Processed foods, such as some packaged or canned foods, candy, boxed meals, and precooked meats are typically full of preservatives, additives, sodium, trans fat, and artificial ingredients that may slow you down.

Fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables
The fresher your food is, the more nutrients it will contain. Unlike processed foods that may be stripped of nutrients for a longer shelf life, fresh foods typically contain higher nutrients. Eating in-season fruits and vegetables means they ripened naturally.

Non-caffeinated beverages
Caffeine is OK in moderation, and it has been shown to have some health benefits. Although it provides a short-term boost, it doesn’t actually provide the body with energy.

The first sips may give you a jolt, but if you’re not providing your body with good nutrition and balanced meals and snacks, you’ll eventually feel run down.

If you must have your fix, opt for black coffee or unsweetened tea. Sodas and energy drinks can be full of refined sugar and artificial ingredients that can cause you to crash, and lead to other health issues if overconsuming.

Lean proteins
Red meats marbled in fat adds saturated fat to your diet. Leaner meats, like chicken, turkey, and fish, still provide quality protein, but contain less saturated fat. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and tuna, can add beneficial, heart healthy fats.

Whole grains and complex carbs
Just like processed foods, refined carbohydrates like sugars and white flour add little nutrition. Choosing whole grain foods and complex carbohydrates ensures that your body gets the full benefits of the hull of the grain that adds fibre to your diet.

Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are some of the best foods to beat fatigue and fight hunger. Getting a variety of nuts and seeds in your diet can provide healthy nutrients and energy.

Try almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Eating raw, unsalted versions is recommended. And they’re the perfect mid-afternoon snack.

Drinking water is essential for optimal functioning of the body. Although water doesn’t provide energy in the form of calories, it helps facilitate the energetic processes in the body, which is an energy boost in itself.

Sip on water throughout the day, and try to swap out sodas, coffee, and other drinks for a glass of water. This simple change can make a big difference, and you’ll feel better before you know it.

Vitamins and supplements
If you’re not getting everything you need from your food, you may want to consider taking a daily vitamin. Consulting with a nutritionist or homeopathic doctor could get you started on a nutritional supplement regimen. But it is important to talk to your doctor about any and all nutritional supplements you’re considering.

Researchers compared bananas to carbohydrate sports drinks in cyclists who needed sustained energy for their long rides. They found that the banana offered just as much fuel to the riders as the drink. Turns out, bananas are packed with potassium, fibre, vitamins, and the perfect amount of carbohydrates that provide you with a big boost of natural energy. Plus, bananas are often reasonably priced, it all helps when you are looking for extra energy.

They’re not just for breakfast. A big bowl of oats packs a punch of filling fibre and even a little protein. Plus, better for some who experience blood sugar spikes and drops with other processed breakfast cereals.

Choosing the plain versions of instant packets of oatmeal, steel-cut oats, or old-fashioned oats is best as they aren’t filled with extra sugar.

You can then have control of what you put in it such as milk, a little honey, and some mixed berries. Then you can be on your way with more energy to get you through the day.

Chia seeds
While you might not be training for an endurance exercise event, chia seeds may be an excellent source of prolonged energy thanks to carb content, healthy fats, and filling fibre.

Two tablespoons of chia provide about 24 grams of carbs and a whopping 4.8 grams of omega-3s, which are heart healthy and anti-inflammatory.

According to one small study that involved six endurance athletes, eating chia seeds offers just as much energy as carbohydrate sports drinks.

For everyday purposes, sprinkling in a few tablespoons of chia seeds with your morning smoothie or adding a scoop to your afternoon yogurt may provide just enough of an energy boost for you to keep fatigue at bay.

Being mindful of what’s on your plate can be a healthy and effective way to keep your energy up. With regular exercise and good nutrition, you can maintain healthy levels of energy during depressive episodes.
You can see the original article here

N.B. There are many possible causes for feeling chronically tired. It’s important to rule out medical conditions first, as fatigue often accompanies illness.
However, feeling overly tired may be related to what you eat and drink, how much activity you get or the way you manage stress.
The good news is that making a few lifestyle changes may very well improve your energy levels and overall quality of life.

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipes within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Elephant's Child said...

Thanks. My on going fatigue does have a medical basis - but eating healthily (which I mostly do) helps.

J.P. Alexander said...

Si el plátano es una genial comida lo mismo que la avena. Te mando un beso

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing these tips.

Pom Pom said...

Thank you, Jan! I had oats for breakfast this morning and I had forgotten how filling they are!

Conniecrafter said...

I feel like more and more I do need more energy, I feel like I get tired to easily and I feel like I am sleeping well, maybe it is what I am eating.

Margaret D said...

Good advice and read.

Jo said...

Good advice.

Valerie-Jael said...

Good advice to start the week - have a great one! Valerie

babYpose said...

Still in the process getting to health shift. Sometimes laziness lead back to processed food. Thanks for reminding and sharing.

eileeninmd said...

Great post and information! A healthy diet is important.
Thanks for sharing!
Take care, have a happy week!

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

Very interesting this post, actually like all.
Thanks for sharing them.
Happy week.
Best regards

CJ Kennedy said...

Excellent suggestions.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Careful on bananas, the prices might go up. :)

linda said...

Very sensible advice if only I could stick to it! Have a great week.

Tom said...

...good to know.

R's Rue said...

I now want to make a bowl of oatmeal with a banana and some nuts. Thank you for this post. Have a lovely day my friend.

Jeff said...

Good advice. I love oats and breads made with whole grains, but I have to do it in moderation or take more insulin.

Rain said...

Hi Jan! :) I always find that lean chicken boosts my energy like nothing else. That and a big salad with spinach! :)

Lorrie said...

Great advice! Balance everything!

Jules said...

I always need reminding to drink more water. X

sandy said...

Interesting article. For me it's not food that helps as much as it's movement...and I would move quickly towards that blueberry cake down below.

Sandra Cox said...

I love these health food articles. The HH picked me up some Brazil nuts after I read your article on them and he knew I was on the hunt for them.
YOU take special care.

J C said...

This is all such good advice. Much of it I have learned in the past year since my husband became ill with CHF. Nutrition saved him. Truth! Now, the chia seeds. I have only been using a pinch. I cant imagine using 2 spoonsful in whatever Im cooking, but I guess a pinch has done nothing. Hmmmmmmm...

HappyK said...

Great advise.
I must be doing something right because I still have lots of energy. My morning walk seems to give me energy. :)

Inger said...

I love bananas, but with my type 1 diabetes, they have to be practically raw or they will raise my blood sugars drastically. At 81 years old, I had been very tired all summer long,the heat of course didn't help. Not a meat eater, I'm now eating/drinking additional protein and I think I'm beginning to feel a difference.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love all kinds of nuts and oats, too. But I can't live without my caffeine (coffee). Not for the jolt, but to keep the headaches away. I am truly addicted and when I try to cut back the headaches are so severe, I can't do anything.

Iris Flavia said...

I feel like a good Mama, right now, LOL.
I always pack a lille bowl of nuts and a banana for Ingo to take to work :-) And tomatoes, and carrots along with cheese-bread. And water is for free in summer there, "wohoo".
I had to alter your recipe on cauliflower, if you like pop in and check it - turned out yummy!

Linda said...

Interesting. I need more energy. said...

Good info. Enjoy your week.

Ananka said...

I drink so much water and so much coffee!

Kim said...

Great article, Jan. I'm not always as mindful of my diet as I should be...

Carla from The River said...

I liked this article. An afternoon pick me up is always needed. Thank You!

DVArtist said...

I absolutely love this post. All great info.

Teresa said...

Muy interesante el reportaje. Besos.

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent post! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!

Azka Kamil said...

Good advice and read.