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Thursday 29 October 2015

Swede Rosti

If you're looking for something a bit different that's tasty and low carb ...

... why not try some Swede Rosti.

Here's how:

Cut a swede into large chunks or strips and put through a food processor fitted with a fine slicing blade. Or grate with a coarse cheese grater. Put the sliced raw swede into a mixing bowl and add some olive oil and three egg yolks per medium sliced swede. Mix well with a spoon and place a handful of mix into a steel ring. I use one 3.5" dia.x 2" deep. Get a cup or glass and compress the mix until firm within the ring, remove the ring. Rosti will be around an inch thick. Make up more until you have used all your mix. You can then fry them straight away in oil or butter or store them in a fridge.
Carbs. around three per rosti or 100 grams.

All the best Jan


Jo said...

What a good idea. Eleanor loves swede if it's cooked in a casserole or stew but doesn't like it when it's been cooked on its own, however, she loves potato rostis so she may just enjoy it cooked this way. I'll give it a go.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your Swede Rosti looks yummy. I have never heard of a Swede, it is new to me. It does sound like a great tasty low carb dish. Have a happy Thursday and weekend ahead!

The Happy Whisk said...

Very nice, Jan. That's a fun one.

I'm digging the dairy-free rutabaga mash or, rutamash. But I also like mine chunked like breakfast potatoes. I like them raw too.

Happy Oogie Boogie, Weekend.

chris c said...

Swede = rutabaga

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks all for your comments ... have spent a little time with family and grandchildren, having so much FUN FUN FUN !

We have been 'Super Girl' 'Super Boy' 'Super Grandma' ... and 'Super Grandad' ... sometimes it's just great being big kids ... even if the weather wasn't sunny - our spirits certainly have been.


These swede rosti's are brilliant, do please give them a try

More information on swede / rutabaga here

All the best Jan

The Happy Whisk said...

I will for sure give raw shredded ruta a go in my Jewish potato pancakes. Thanks for the idea. Might work really good. If it does, I'll blog about it and let ya' know.

Love that you had such a great time with the kiddos. Not sunny here either but that's okay with us, too.

Have a great weekend, Jan. Wishing you the best with a great big side of boogie boogie.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks Ivy ... I know some folks add a little grated, or finely chopped, onion to the mix. I've not tried it but I'm sure it adds a great taste.

Wishing you a good weekend too

All the best Jan

The Happy Whisk said...

You might like leaks or scallions. Though, I'll use any kind of onion on hand for my potato cakes. Or none, if I have none. But scallion, oh man alive, so good with grated spuds. Now I'll see how it is with rutas. I still haven't given the Jewish cakes (my mother's side), a go with the rutas yet, but I've got plenty of Halloween staycation to go.

Lowcarb team member said...

Ivy - I think scallions (spring onions) will work perfectly.
Do hope your Halloween staycation is going well ...

All the best Jan