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Monday 11 April 2016

Back to school ... and growing up

Yes, for many today it's back to school time! Although the teachers among you may be counting down the number of 'get-up' days to the next holiday! The children will be wishing they had more time to play, or to watch Children's TV or to spend more time on computer games etc. as they scramble to eat breakfast, get their school uniforms on, and off out the door they go! Certainly the days, weeks, months and years keep turning - and each new day provides us with memories. As we get older those memories seem to get more precious, and I often think, thank goodness for photographs, so nice to hold a photograph in your hand as you reminisce those wonderful times enjoyed. Yes, these days many photographs are housed on our computers but we can still take time to enjoy them ... 
So as our grandchildren go off to school today, some at senior school others still at pre-school I am indulging in some photo sharing ...

I do not know what was so fascinating on the ground, it certainly held their attention

what can be more enjoyable  -  a bike ride 

I'm sure he was a friendly 'monster' - grandson stood quite happily to have his photo taken  

an early fishing trip with Grandad - more to come this summer I think

Grandma this would make a lovely fairy house - especially as it's pink!

grandson having fun at Cowboy Town 

youngest grand-daughter looking pretty as a picture and not at 'big school' 'til the Autumn

Happy days, happy times ...
and now I must think of something they may like to eat...
I know instead of these peppers I'll make some with a smiley face for Spring!

Well it wouldn't be me without mentioning fresh food ...  LOL!

Have a great Monday and a happy week ahead

All the best Jan


Jo said...

Wonderful photos. It's lovely that you're able to spend these special times with your grandchildren, they do grow up so quickly, don't they. I know what you mean about photos, even though we've gone digital I make sure that I have my favourites printed out and put in an album as I think it's lovely turning the pages and remembering happy times.

Tom said...

our 3 year old granddaughter is here today, how she has grown

Margaret D said...

Lovely children there :)
School holidays for Autumn have just begun down here in Tasmania.

Phil Slade said...

Those grandchildren look similar ages to our own three - 3, 10 and going on 10.

I worry that many of the current digital photograps will not survive the digital age of upgrades and obsolescence. How many people actually print from their didgital devices compared to the pre-digital age? Not amny I fear.

By way Jan, I don't really have a Ferrari but another Italian car, a Fiat. I'm just a poor old birder.

Conniecrafter said...

Your grandchildren our just precious and you are right it is wonderful to have those pictures to go back to and remember all the wonderful times... those peppers are a cute idea and they will look great with smiley faces :)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your grandchildren are adorable. Wonderful collection of photos. Before we know the kiddies will be off for the summer break! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Bob Bushell said...

What a lovely grandchildren you have, nice.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lindo gostei das fotografias e do Blog.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Cranberry Morning said...

Looks like they were having a lot of fun! Sweet kids there. :-)

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Beautiful grandchildren and their sweet, sweet smiles!
I love the notion of making faces out of peppers:)
We have a 3 year old grandson that loves peppers-so I am going to give this a try.
Have a lovely Monday,

Debbie said...

they are soooooo sweet and i am so happy you indulged today!!! the only post's better than your recipes, are these little cuties. good luck to them as they start a new school year!!!

cute, cute peppers!!!

a writing place said...

Lovely family, Jan. Just precious photos.


HappyK said...

Lovely photos of the grandkids.
Love those peppers.

Red Rose Alley said...

Jan, school is just starting there? It starts at the end of August here right before Fall. Your Grandson looks so cute standing next to that fellow. And your Granddaughter looks sweet in this picture. Wishing that both of them do well in the school year.

Have a blessed week, Jan.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love that fairy house too hehehehe. I'm in love with fairies and just bought a small pink one yesterday (I couldn't resist). :)

Martha said...

They are both such beautiful children. Such lovely photographs to capture these precious, fleeting moments!

Adam said...

I think spring break ended here too

Gail said...

How totally adorable.

Sorry I have been absent. Some day I will talk of it but not on the blog.

Have a blessed week.

Carla from The River said...

I love your family photos. :-)
The peppers!! What a lovely idea.
I want the fairy house as my garden center.
xx oo

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you all so much for your comments, and allowing my indulgence LOL!
I am going to split my replies into two 'comment/reply' posts ...

Jo - I love every minute spent with the grand-children. I also so enjoy looking at photo's of them whether on computer but especially holding an actual photograph or seeing it in an album.

Tom - they grow so quickly, enjoy every moment is what I say

Margaret - school holidays are often not quite the same depending where in the UK you live. But in general the final term of the year (summer) should be starting soon !

Phil - as I write this our five grand-children are aged three to eleven and I just love seeing them and of course the next best thing is having photographs of them. Is digital photography the best thing ever? Many people including professional photographers would answer no. I still have some wonderful black and white photographs of when my Grandfather served in the First World War, war is not wonderful, but the photographs are a most special part of him and my memories of him ...
Hey, and I bet your Fiat and not a Ferrari still gets you from A to B very well.

Connie - I love my grand-children, to bits,and love to see them and spend time with them. I also love to look at photographs of them Those peppers cut into a smiley face work a treat!

Eileen - yes the year passes by so quickly, one more school term and then the six week school holiday for most UK children.

Bob - they are adorable grand-children ... but then I would say that wouldn't I !

Francisco - obrigado pelo seu comentário.
Thank you for your comment, and I hope that was the correct translation, a warm welcome to the low carb diabetic blog.

Once again thanks to all

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Once again thank you to all for your comments ... here are my replies Part 2!

Judy - wonderful times with our five grand-children, special memories to treasure

Jemma - do try out the peppers, just cut out a smiley face ... they are great and a fun way to eat them!

Debbie - oh, a little indulgence is fun from time to time!!! They actually have one more term and the new school year starts in September ...

Tessa - family times are precious times and I love spending time with the little-un's. Second best thing is looking at photo's of them

Karen - yes, those peppers are great and a fun way to serve them for the grand-kids ... or anyone

Sheri (i) - most parts of the UK the school year runs from September through to July and is split into three terms: Sept to Dec ... Jan to March ... April to July.
The photographs showed all five grand- children at various ages through the past few years, as I said it was bit of an indulgent post!!!

Sheri (ii) - fairy houses (or fairy doors) are a must in any garden aren't they?

Martha - the photo's showed our five grand-children at various times over the last few years - indulgent memories for me, and perhaps confusing for readers... but hey they are great kids and I love them to pieces...

Adam - Spring break for some goes by too quickly!

Gail - they are all totally adorable - and it's lovely to see you back blogging, take care

Carla - isn't that fairy house amazing, and what a great colour! Those peppers are a hit, I hope you try them out one day soon!

Once again thanks to all for our comments

All the best Jan

The Happy Whisk said...

That's a Gruffalo - Great book!

Lowcarb team member said...

Ivy - of course The Gruffalo, a great book and grandson was walking in the woods at the time so quite fitting:

Many thanks

All the best Jan

Lisa said...

Cowboy town sounds like a whole lot of fun.
I like the faces on those peppers!
Lisa x