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Thursday 7 April 2016

Cranachan : Made with Fresh Raspberries

Cranachan (Scottish Gaelic: Crannachan pronounced [ˈkʰɾan̪ˠəxan]) is a traditional Scottish dessertIt was originally a summer dish and often consumed around harvest time but is now more likely to be served all year round and on special occasions. A variant dish was ale-crowdie, consisting of ale, treacle, and whisky with the oatmeal - served at a wedding with a ring in the mixture: whoever got the ring would be the next to marry.

A traditional way to serve Cranachan is to bring dishes of each ingredient to the table so that each person can assemble their dessert to taste. Tall dessert glasses are also of typical presentation.

Now this recipe has 15.9g carb per serving, so it may not be suitable for all, but if you think it can fit into your menu plans then I hope you may enjoy this deliciously creamy and fruity dessert with its mellow honey and whisky flavours. May I present ... Cranachan ... the ultimate Scottish dessert !

Serves Six
50 g pinhead or medium oatmeal
600 ml double cream
4 tbsp scotch whisky
3 tbsp Scottish heather honey, plus extra for serving
340 g fresh raspberries

1. Preheat the grill. Spread the oatmeal out in an even layer on a baking tray and grill until toasted, watching it carefully so it doesn't burn.
2. Pour the cream into a large bowl and lightly whip until it is just starting to hold it shape. Gently stir through the whisky, honey and two-thirds of the toasted oatmeal.
3. Spoon half the cream mixture into 6 x 200ml glasses, top with half the raspberries, then spoon over the remaining cream mixture. Sprinkle over the remaining oatmeal and raspberries, and drizzle with honey before serving.

Each serving provides:
15.9g carbohydrate 5.2g fibre 3.3g protein

Original recipe idea is here

We try and bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Jo said...

I've never heard of cranachan, it sounds lovely.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, this looks and sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

Tom said...

Raspberries, what a treat.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love a good cranachan! The problem is that many restaurants in Scotland don't to my mind make good cranachan, they add too much cream or too much oatmeal. So the traditional way of serving it, which you mention, sounds ideal to me.

Bob Bushell said...

Is using double cream lowcarb? But, apart from that, it is delicious.

Anonymous said...

There are raspberries with double cream.
Then there is Cranachan, new on me but definitely worth a try I think. Just have a quick word with my lovely other half -


Phil Slade said...

All we need now is some warm sunshine to grow the rasberries then I'll give it a go. There's rhubarb in Aldi now. Does that make a good low carb dessert?
Have a healthy weekend Jan.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Well this looks and sounds delicious. Gives you a kick for sure I think:) Hug B

a writing place said...

Yummmmm... Not for every day of course. But yummmmmmm, for a special occasion. :-)

Thank you for saying you live in London. I follow quite a few Instagrams from the UK and love them. I follow the IG from the Claridges hotel. And love it.

a writing place said...

Ohhh phoooie! I Published instead of Preview! was trying to check the click-able link to the Claridges Hotel.... OK, it worked. :-) I just love this IG!

And then there is Pretty Little London....

And many other individual ones... :-)

My Instagram

Anonymous said...

This looks so delicious. I know a certain man that would eat this and more helpings if I let him.

Jenny S

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh my goodness, this beautiful Spring dessert is calling my name.
You know I have been toying with the idea of adding some raspberry plants to our garden.
I think I will, it would be nice to have just a few.
Thank you for sharing this most beautiful dessert.
Oh, I hope you shared this with us at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday too:)
Happy Thursday to you and the team,

Debby Ray said...

Mmmm...looks delicious! Have a great weekend!

Martha said...

Wonderful recipe! And I just came home with fresh raspberries this morning.... :) I hope you've ben enjoying a lovely day!

Connie said...

If I ever win the lotto, I want to hire you as my private cook :) Yum!!!

HappyK said...

Looks and sounds delicious and makes for a wonderful photo.

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Jan

Have heard of this dessert watching the many cooking shows and yours looks so good.
Thank you for sharing the recipe.
Happy Friday and weekend

Snowbird said...

What an interestingxxx desert, I've never heard of it but can't wait to try it!

Debbie said...

this looks very good!!! i picked up some beautiful strawberries at the market yesterday, i'm going to use some of them for this. i think it will be good and i prefer strawberries to raspberries!!!!

Rose said...

This is certainly a new dish to me, and I still don't think I can pronounce its name:) But I love anything with raspberries...the cream, whiskey, and honey sound pretty good as well.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks to all for your comments on this recipe idea ...

Jo - Cranachan, was new to me too, always good to learn and discover new things

Eileen - it certainly does look a great dessert doesn't it

Tom - raspberries are a favourite low carb fruit, to be enjoyed with a dollop of cream

'CGP' - sometimes the traditional way of serving (making or doing something)is often best

Bob - our food template is low carb, moderate protein and higher healthy fats like cream, butter, avocado's. When eating this way it is important to drop/reduce the big six which are the main 6 foods that are responsible for post meal high blood glucose levels in nearly all diabetics. (Even if you are a non diabetic your blood sugar will probably still spike). The big six consists of Potatoes or other tubers such as sweet potato, pasta,rice,fruits with a high fructose content such as apples, bananas, grapes, pineapples, peaches etc, breakfast cereals and lastly bread and pastry products.

Replace these with vitamin and iron enriched fruits,vegetables and natural sat fats sourced from meat such as Chicken with the skin on left on,fresh beef,lamb,duck and then dairy such as cream,eggs,cheese, nuts such as walnuts and macadamia nuts, fruits such as blueberry’s,raspberry’s,strawberry’s and plenty of dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, savoy cabbage, curly Kale, watercress and Brussels sprouts.

Cranachan is a dessert we would only eat very, very occasionally but something more simple like raspberries with fresh double cream we enjoy quite regularly, raspberries only have 4.6 grams carb. per 100 grams.

Ben - yes this dessert at 15.9 g carb per serving to be enjoyed occasionally, but a bowl of raspberries and double cream, with raspberries at 4.6 grams carb per 100g fits into the LCHF template superbly

Phil - home grown raspberries are lovely, so too is home grown rhubarb. This low carb and gluten free recipe idea for Rhubarb Crisp is enjoyable and to answer your question, yes fits into the LCHF food template well, the recipe idea is 'net carbs - 5 g.' Do use this link and have a look

'Buttons' - not all may enjoy the taste of whiskey but it certainly adds a certain something to the dish

Tessa - I think for special occasions this dish may well fit the bill, I wonder if Claridges do serve it? I believe it is certainly a popular dish in many Scottish eateries and hotels.

Tessa - London does have some lovely places to visit. Have to say I don't do Instagram, but I know many do

Jenny - perhaps make that 'certain man' this dish for a special occasion

Jemma - I'd definitely plant a few raspberry plants if I were you, pleased you liked this dessert

Debby - delicious describes this well

Martha - fresh raspberries are a favourite in our house too, enjoy yours

Connie - 'Yum!!!' I couldn't agree more - to be enjoyed on a special occasion

Karen (Happyone) - I agree with you on all your points, raspberries are a favourite berry with us

Carolyn (Draffin Bears) - it's fun and informative to watch cookery programmes isn't it, then of course you have to decide which recipes to try out

Snowbird - a gorgeous dessert for a special occasion perhaps, hope you enjoy it

Debbie - I'm sure strawberries would work, hope you and hubs enjoy this dish

Rose - yes, not easy to pronounce, but easy to eat. Hope you may give it a try soon

Thanks once again for all your comments.
Enjoy your Friday and have a lovely weekend ...

All the best Jan

Lisa said...

Fresh raspberries, what two wonderful words they are. I have often wondered what this dessert tastes like. The ale crowdie sounds awful though!
Lisa x

Lowcarb team member said...

Lisa - you can't beat fresh raspberries can you.
Whiskey is not everyone's favourite drink / taste and the same too can be said for ale.

If in doubt, just have a helping of delicious fresh raspberries and double cream.
Hey, what about clotted cream - that would be nice too!

Thank you for your comment

All the best Jan