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Monday 1 August 2016

Happy August and Thank You !

It's hard to believe we are now in the eighth month of 2016 - yes it's August - don't you find the days, weeks and months go so quickly, I know we all do!

The low carb team have been busy posting a wide selection of articles, and will continue to do so.

We enjoy ... presenting articles, news items, thoughts, recipe ideas, some music and even a cartoon every now and then for all to read. It is a mix which we hope includes something for everyone to read and enjoy!

We firmly believe in the LCHF lifestyle.

So, once again we say a big thank you to ALL our readers, and those who do take time to stop and leave a thought or comment, you are appreciated.

Included here are just a few thank you's from the many different countries who use this blog, with some apologies, because we know there are many languages that do not appear here.

THANK YOU to all.

merci, danke, tak, terima kasih, xie xie, grazie, dziekuje, obrigado, spasibo, gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim, do jeh, Спасибо, Дякую, thank you.

Good Luck and Good Health To All

From Jan, Eddie and Graham - 'the low carb team'


Steve Parker, M.D. said...

Jan, Graham, and Eddie: Thank YOU for all you do to spread the low-carb message.


PS: I bought a couple Killdare's tunes from iTunes - Whiskey in the Jar and Long Island High.

Tom said...

Where does the go?

Jean Irvin said...

Thank you for a most informative, enjoyable and fast moving blog. I usually find something new here whenever I log on. Like you, I believe in the LCHF lifestyle and appreciate your work to bring it to a greater audience.
Long may you continue!

Larcana said...

I always look forward to your posts! Thank you for all your team does.
Lauren Romeo, MD

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy my visits to your blog, especially the recipes.

Jenny S

Martha said...

Happy August, to all! You have a great blog and I enjoy visiting, especially for the recipes :)

HappyK said...

A very Happy August to you all and a big thank you for this blog.
I've gotten so many delicious and healthy recipes. I look forward to each post. : )

Draffin Bears said...

Happy August to you all and it is always a pleasure to come and visit you and see all you have to share - thank you for all the wonderful posts.
Love the pretty bouquet of summer flowers.

Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you for the beautiful flowers, and Happy August to you!


Snowbird said...

Happy August....gosh, where is time going! Love those

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy August!