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Saturday 14 December 2013

Exercise just as good as drugs in war on major disease !

“Exercise could be as effective as some of the best drugs which protect against major diseases, research has found. A study of more than 300 trials has found that physical activity was better than medication in helping patients recovering from strokes - and just as good as drugs in protecting against diabetes and in stopping heart disease worsening.

The research, published in the British Medical Journal, analysed data about studies on 340,000 patients diagnosed with one of four diseases: heart disease, chronic heart failure, stroke or diabetes.

Researchers said the findings suggested that regular exercise could be "quite potent" in improving survival chances, but said that until more studies are done, patients should not stop taking their tablets without taking medical advice. The landmark research compared the mortality rates of those prescribed medication for common serious health conditions, with those who were instead enrolled on exercise programmes.”

So, ask your Doctor if getting of your butt will be good for you. While you're about it dump the sugar and starch and you may just get to the end of your long and active life, without becoming a slave to big pharma.

More on this story here.



Anonymous said...

Surely any exercise must help. With a lot of time spent sitting watching television, reading forums and blogs we should exercise the on off button and get moving more than some of us do.


Anonymous said...

A relative recently had a stroke and received therapy and assistance with exercises to help him improve. He was advised of the importance of this and continues with the exercises on a regular basis.I do not think all stroke victims receive the same help.

Anonymous said...

Hello avid readers of mine,

One of the only things on this blog that I agree to.

Although one one exercise caution, as if you are over 40 years, obese, suffer from a chronic illness or have been sedentary for some time, you need to see your doctor before embarking on any new exercise program especially if it involves intensity.

The research points to it helping to improve the quality of life rather than its length.

My own tipple is walking I do a hour a day. Sometimestwo2 hours on my free days.

A hour a day is about right thou, as it encourages the production of bodily chemicals in involved in fat distribution and burning.

Also walking is low impact, easy on the joints.

Swimming is another good one but around my area the locals frequently piss and defecate in the pool. So I stick to walking.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University