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Thursday 2 October 2014

Do you trust this Government with the NHS ?

The NHS is the greatest Institution in the history of our country founded by a great man. I will probably be dead before it goes completely pear shaped, but I fear for what my children and grandchildren will end up with. Cameron said some years ago the NHS was safe in his hands ""no more pointless and disruptive reorganisations". Instead, change would be "driven by the wishes and needs of NHS professionals and patients" said here.

It is my opinion Cameron is the most duplicitous liar in the history of British politics. To get that title takes one hell of a lot of doing. Cameron will go down in history as the weakest and most inept Prime minister we have ever had to tolerate. Roll on next May.



Galina L. said...

I have experienced 3 healthcare systems - in Russia, US and Canada and found out that no one is perfect.Probably,it is better to be in US if something very serious happens, but in Canada we had no problems getting any service which was necessary , and in Canada we were spared from long and tortures conversations with a customer service representatives of health insurance companies.
In Russia GP still do house-calls and they have an amazing variety of physical therapy procedures for free which heal body, not treat symptoms. Medical testing for money is widely available and affordable,and you dont need a prescription for everything, like in US or Canada. However, if something is serious - don't rely on a government medicine too much+horrible bureaucracy+ poor access to modern treatments or expensive treatments. Bureaucracy is so bad that it contributes to high rate of suicides among cancer patients due to a hard-to-navigate policy to receive an opiate, even prominent and famous military people may find themselves in a horrible situation and choose a suicide.

No healthcare system could be a substitute for own life-style choices.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for your comment Galina

No system will ever be perfect but our NHS came close for most people.

This Government want to sell it off to the highest bidder. Always, everywhere, it is the poor and disabled who will suffer the most.


Galina L. said...

Life is not fair in general, never has been.

Lowcarb team member said...

True but we have to make the best of what we get dealt.
