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Thursday 23 October 2014

Free The Animal blog Richard Nikoley quote of the week !

Richard Nikoley says:
"That’s to be seen. Because of volume I’m at the highest levels of % now, which is about 8% or so, though it carries by product. The other thing is, it didn’t really jump into high gear until about April, so beyond the initial spikes, that’s more like about 7-8 months worth.
My aim is to keep it going but keep it real. I don’t want to be a place where almost every post is about selling something."

RN's blog, the blog that never stops selling, even if it's only selling Richard himself.


1 comment:

Galina L. said...

Yes, Richard Nicoley pays attention on ratings, however his blog is not the place for big debates at the moment, if I am not mistaken.