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Sunday 21 August 2016

Sometimes a quiet day can be so perfect !

You wake and put the kettle on

enjoy a cup of tea, with a perfect LCHF breakfast

which keeps you going throughout the day to do a little dusting

before you treat yourself to a sit down and listen to your new CD

then later into the kitchen preparing tonight's meal

a low carb lamb moussaka, which is family friendly too!
see the recipe here

now don't forget the glass of merlot !

and to top it all get the butler to do the washing up ...
well I'm dreaming a bit here ... perhaps Eddie may volunteer !

image from here

I wonder have you enjoyed a quiet day recently ?
Take care and thanks for reading

All the best Jan


NCmountainwoman said...

Our daughter visited and brought me a tin of tea because she didn't care for it. It's pomegranate and oolong. I love it so much it sometimes stops my perfect day in its tracks while I enjoy. It's now by far my favorite tea.

HappyK said...

Our Sunday's are usually quiet, our day of rest, though I still walk. : )

Anonymous said...

Quiet time reading, is always appreciated.

Jenny S

DeniseinVA said...

This sounds an idyllic day Jan, my kind of day.

The Happy Whisk said...

We LOVE quiet days home and for me a quiet day home, includes baking.

Martha said...

Sounds like such a lovely day. We always make sure to have quiet days like these at home. They are not only needed but thoroughly enjoyed!

Snowbird said...

The perfect day! I hope the butler stepped up!xxx

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Dina (Snowbird)
Yes, the butler stepped up superbly, thank you ...
and not only with the washing up but with some cleaning too!

All the best Jan

PS Many thanks to you all for your comments here, they are always lovely to receive, read and share ... Jan

Bob Bushell said...

I love the duster, tickling my keyboard, ah, that's better.

Red Rose Alley said...

I could sure use a quiet day lately. Things have been pretty hectic around here. Love that Pink tea kettle. You know, I always wondered what it would be like to have a Pink kitchen, just dreaming I guess. A simple lovely post, Jan. Those are my favorite ones. And Pink is a happy color for sure.
