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Tuesday 12 August 2014

DCUK Noblehead and catherinecherub the most duplicitous liars in the history of the forum ?

"No one has a hatred for low-carbing Andy and to suggest so is rather silly" Noblehead

"Personally I couldn't give a monkeys as to how people manage their diabetes" catherinecherub

Said over the weekend on the DCUK forum and confirms these two members are arguably the most duplicitous liars in the history of the forum. 

Check out the post below, started by Noblehead to rubbish low carbing, swiftly joined by the die hard fight to the death low carb antis (including the cherub) known as the clique. Remember at the weekend the cherub said  "Personally I couldn't give a monkeys as to how people manage their diabetes"  Read the thread below to see the total hypocrisy ! Alas, Nobleheads plan backfires spectacularly and he requests the thread is locked. How many members can request a thread is locked ? and the mods comply immediately. 

From the OP who had realised his mistake, the one and only Noblehead.

"As I believe that this discussion has ran its course now, and whilst there has been some good points put across from both sides of the argument in the initial stages, I feel that we are now going over old ground, and for this reason we should close this thread before things get out of hand.

Therefore, as I was OP that started it, and for reasons of common sense, could I ask one of the moderation team to now lock this thread. Many thanks to all that contributed to the subject!"

The mod that locked the thread wanted to remain anonymous "As the OP has requested and after reviewing all the posts this thread is going nowhere. The thread is now locked"

So there you have it folks, the pattern for six years. A small group controlling the forum. Informative threads locked, deleted and edited. Countless low carbers banned, railroaded off the forum, or sick to death of the antics of the clique and bent mods.

Meanwhile nothing changes, honest hard working mods walk, while the DCUK management sit back, scratching their heads, and wondering, why do so many people join and never post ?, why do so many good people post and then disappear into the either ? Why are only a small fraction of 1% of the membership regular posters ?

Link to the clique in action here.


Post Edit

Eddies post highlights just one of the many contentious threads started by the antis who seem to be in denial by claiming their not anti LowCarb, perhaps we should show a few more examples of their work, watch this space folks!

Quote: noblehead 

"There's no such thing as 'Anti's' (that idea was dreamed up by some a former member who were out to cause trouble and disruption on the forum )and I'm sure we are all happy to see other members manage their diabetes matter what their dietary preference is."

Quote: catherinecherub

"Buying into the word "anti" is so old hat and used to be used on this forum by people who no longer post or are banned. It was almost a cry to arms to defend their LC/HF diet as being the only sensible method of control and included things like. "You are with us or against us" which further inflamed the situation."



Anonymous said...

I suggest you take a course in English language.
The thread was asking if the Atkin's diet was dangerous and the thread was a good debate for and against.
If it has to be run past you and you decide what people can and cannot write then the world would be in chaos
Not everyone agrees with you, get over it

Think back to when you thought Jimmy Moore and his rants were a good idea. Still feel the same?

Anonymous said...

One swallow does not make a summer.

It's a pity that your posts have been deleted after you were banned and then people would have seen the conniving, ignorant, rude,sexist idiot that you really are and how you were the biggest tool in trying to bring the forum to it's knees with your idiotic idea that you and your clique were in charge

We can all try and rewrite history but your popularity waned and waned because of the content of your posts on DCUK.

Anonymous said...

Haha you've really rattled the cages of the anti's Eddie, I've seen first hand what a lying conniving bunch of pricks they are. One things for sure the truth hurts as is seen in the other two comments on this post.

Keep em coming Eddie love to see those ant's squirm.

Lowcarb team member said...

One swallow does not make a summer.

It's a pity that your posts have been deleted after you were banned and then people would have seen the conniving, ignorant, rude,sexist idiot that you really are and how you were the biggest tool in trying to bring the forum to it's knees with your idiotic idea that you and your clique were in charge

We can all try and rewrite history but your popularity waned and waned because of the content of your posts on DCUK."

What ever you think or say, the links to the threads I have posted show the truth. A few antis have lied and done their level best to spread poor and dangerous information for years.

Thousands have walked because of their lies, selfishness and down right warped personalties.

Stand by for more insight into the weird and wonderful world of the low carb anti clique.

Isn't it great to see the DCUK management pushing low carb high fat.

"One swallow does not make a summer"

And one cherub does not make an angel.


Lowcarb team member said...

"Anonymous said...
I suggest you take a course in English language.
The thread was asking if the Atkin's diet was dangerous and the thread was a good debate for and against."

The thread was a wind up against low carb from the start you lying weasel and Dillinger spotted right away.

Do you think we are as thick as you ?

You dullards make me larf, you behave like total scum for years, and scream rape when the tables are turned. Go and tell your lies on the forum of flog, someone might still believe you.


Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
I suggest you take a course in English language.
The thread was asking if the Atkin's diet was dangerous and the thread was a good debate for and against.
If it has to be run past you and you decide what people can and cannot write then the world would be in chaos

Total bullshit noblehead has a history of starting threads like the one Eddie highlighted and I will dig some more out shortly seeing you've taken an interest. If it was a good debate why did he ask for it to be locked? In fact I had another comment lined up to go on the thread just before it was locked.

Not everyone agrees with you, get over it

Stand by for more revelations that not everyone agrees with.

Think back to when you thought Jimmy Moore and his rants were a good idea. Still feel the same?

Jimmy doesn't rant he's an affable chap as Eddie will testify to. Still feel the same about Jimmy of course we do, if it wasn't for him and Dr Jay your leader and forum despot cugila would still be around.

Love and hugs sweetie
Graham xxx

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
One swallow does not make a summer.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

It's a pity that your posts have been deleted after you were banned and then people would have seen the conniving, ignorant, rude,sexist idiot that you really are and how you were the biggest tool in trying to bring the forum to it's knees with your idiotic idea that you and your clique were in charge

Come on then give us some quotes that Eddie made on DCUK that come into the criteria your talking about.
Fact is your ex clique leader cugila was the most foul mouthed person ever to be a forum member, and not forgetting Sid Bonkers had a crude joke deleted. Unlike your nasty little clique we have never been or wanted to be in charge of DCUK.

We can all try and rewrite history but your popularity waned and waned because of the content of your posts on DCUK.

No we don't try to rewrite history what we publish is there for all to see at DCUK.

But hey your lying weasel friend noblehead has rewritten history by going into an old thread to edit a post we highlighted.

Love and hugs sweetie
Graham xxx