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Thursday 23 March 2017

Berries can make a quick and easy low carb dessert

Strawberries 6 grams. Blackberries 5.1 grams. Raspberries 4.6 grams. of carbs per 100 grams.

For a quick and easy low carb dessert
just place a few in a bowl and enjoy them with some double (heavy) cream

All the best Jan


eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love berries. They do make a great dessert. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Jo said...

Berries are such a treat that they can certainly be enjoyed as is with just a little cream or ice cream.

Tom said...

...berry nice!

Valerie-Jael said...

Yummy fruits, wish I had some here just now! Hugs, Valerie

JFM said...

Love is simple and simply delicious!!!

RO said...

I always seem to do well with carbs until it comes to my fave of French fries and potatoes. (lol) I do, however, love berries, and can eat them every day. Thanks for the reminder to keep them in my diet for a quick snack instead of candy or chips. Hugs...

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love strawberries and raspberries, though I'm not so keen on blackberries.

Kasztanowy Domek said...

I love berries! Kisses:-))


only slightly confused said...

We have raspberries and blueberries practically every day with our plain yogurt.

Sandra Cox said...

Jan, If you have an opportunity please stop by.

Christine said...

A healthy dessert!

HappyK said...

Oh yes, I like any kind of berries. Nice to know that something good for you tastes good too. : )

Margaret D said...

Eat strawberries or raspberries every night for several years now, never get tired of them.
Love blackberries and buy a few sometimes but they are not as nice as what grows wild down this end of the world.

Adam said...

I like berries

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Strawberries are in season here in Florida right now so we just had some on yogurt with walnuts crumbled on top. Yummy! Since I don't eat sugar at all...fruit is where I get a sweet treat. Hugs, Diane

Martha said...

I love berries! They're all so delicious.

Sue (this n that) said...

Oh you're so right and, often, when serving them to visitors they're a treat ... not everyone thinks of berries. The frozen ones don't seem to thaw too mushy anymore either. Cheers and thanks, as always :D)

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent Jan! A nice easy treat!

Snowbird said...

Oh ....just lovely! I planted lots of soft fruit yesterday, this post has me hoping for a bumper harvest!xxx

Lisabella Russo said...

I love berries! Thanks for the reminder of how wonderful they are.